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BUT President Met By Police at School

Bahamas Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilson on Wednesday was met by Royal Bahamas Police Force officers on the campus of Garvin Tynes Primary School for what she thought was a general meeting with the School’s principal, Carolyn Mitchell and its teachers.

Confirmed by the District Superintendent Janice Moss and Garvin Tynes’ principal, the purpose of the meeting was to address matters concerning the teachers. The meeting was scheduled for before lunch time.

However, when the Union President arrived for the meeting, she was locked out of the school’s property.

“When I got here, I saw a female police officer standing there, the gate was locked. Now, when I walked in and I got into the area where the office is, there were three other officers in the assembly area.

“I said to the principal’s secretary, I am here to have a meeting with the principal. The secretary then said, she (the principal) was aware of the meeting, but she will not be attending,” Ms. Wilson told The Bahama Journal.

She continued, “I was here this morning for a 10 am meeting that was organized and confirmed by the District Superintendent Janice Moss, with me and the principal, Carolyn Mitchell.

“My area vice president and my district steward have both been locked out of the gate.”

Ms. Wilson stated that after she arrived on campus, the authorities sent for more officers, which made the total amount of police present on the primary school’s campus at seven.

“One of the officers said to me that he was told to inform me to leave the campus. I told him that I was not aware of any crime that I have committed and that I am here for the teachers and I will not be leaving, with all due respect,” the BUT President said.

According to Ms. Wilson, the principal presumably requested the presence of the police.

Ms. Wilson was at the school to discuss a litany of concerns and complaints the teachers had with the school.

“They were concerned about the district examinations that were held in December.

“They thought the students were at a disadvantage because there were topics that were given on examinations that the teachers never taught; the students never learnt it.

“So, teachers know that this affects not only the student’s results, but it also affects the students mentally,” Ms. Wilson articulated.

Teachers of the primary school also had concerns of confidentiality. They informed Ms. Wilson of certain matters which they discussed with the principal, in private, but shortly thereafter, they would hear their matters being discussed among other staff at the school.

The meeting was postponed and Ms. Wilson was told by the vice principal that the district superintendent should have sent her an email informing her of such, but Ms. Wilson had not received the email by time of her 10am scheduled meeting.

Additionally, on Monday the school became aware that one of its students tested positive for Tuberculosis (TB). After such knowledge, the entire school was tested.

The results of the TB has since indicated that two students and two staff members have tested positive with the potentially serious infectious disease.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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