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“The Best Man Will Win”, Says Gibson

In the wake of the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) three day convention and leadership race, Golden Gates Member of Parliament (MP) Shane Gibson predicts Prime Minister Perry Christie will emerge undefeated.


“The best man will win,” Mr. Gibson exclaimed.


The MP’s sentiments came yesterday during an interview with Talk Show Host Wendall Jones.


Prime Minister Christie will be contending the position against his Former Cabinet Minister Alfred Sears QC during the party’s three day convention which began last night.


“Christie will win 4 to 1,” Minister Gibson insisted.


Meantime the Golden Gates MP said that Mr. Sears has had a fair democratic process, just as anyone else would have, upon expressing interest.


“We encourage democracy. We encourage individuals to challenge every single position. As long as you are a member of the Progressive Liberal Party and you are in good standing, you can contest any seat.” Mr. Gibson continued.


“All the positions are for grabs. We don’t say you can run for this but you can’t run for that. We want you to do it because we want you to see that the person who will lead went up against a good challenge. Sears is a good challenge,” he said.


Many claim that some PLP members who are eligible to contend the position, are intimidated by Mr. Christie.


Last year there were talks that Deputy Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis would have contended the leadership post.


However, Mr. Sears remains the only contender, who recently told The Bahama Journal that he is fearless and quite confident going into the race.






Written by Jones Bahamas

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