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Moss: “Dame Has No Public Opinion”

 Attorney and Activist Paul Moss cited Dame Anita Allen’s recent remarks on the controversy of the recent referendum questions, specifically as it relates to the issue of same sex marriage, as “discouraging and “inappropriate in the context of her profession.

 On Tuesday night, Dame Anita in presenting a lecture at the Eighth Annual Eugene Dupuch Distinguished Lecture Series at the British Colonial Hilton, rejected the arguments which opposed bill number four; the bill which many feared would lead to same sex marriage.

 She also suggested that the country should at this point be open to designing marriage outside the framework of Judeo Christian doctrine.”

 Attorney Moss opined that Dame Anita, in voicing her personal opinion, has done a disservice to the bench.

 “It’s inappropriate for her to make commentary on this matter, or any matter that may come before her. And because she has made this commentary, she is prohibited from sitting as a judge on any matter as to what she commented on. As it relates to marriage, or anything related to that, she cannot sit as a judge,” said Mr. Moss.

 The attorney stated that this is not the first time Dame Anita has “brought the independence of the judiciary into question”.

 “We saw earlier this year, or late last year, when she was appointed a dame. She gave an open letter to the editor thanking the government. The judiciary is an independent arm of the government, and as such need not be seen to be accepting awards or gifts. Some would term that to be a bribe,” he continued.

 “In other quarters of the world it is frowned upon, and such judges are prohibited from accepting such honorary positions,” he said.

 Mr. Moss charged that Dame Anita’s actions are an extension of the yes vote campaign.

 He added that an individual such as Dame Anita should have no public opinion, insisting that her opinion should be kept to herself.


















Written by Jones Bahamas

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