Archive | November, 2017

BPL Employees Exonerated

Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) employees who, because of the nature of their jobs, were investigated,  have been exonerated and their names are  back in good standing, according to Minster of Public Works Desmond Bannister. The employees, whose names were mention in a report completed by Ernst and Young to investigate the financial state at […]

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Firearm Owners Warned

Persons that own registered firearms are strongly urged to renew their licenses  should they plan to use their weapons legally. The Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) is urging members of the firearm community to ensure their firearm licenses   are  up to date. In a Press Conference  yesterday, Officer in Charge of Firearms, Assistant Superintendent […]

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Bowe: “ Build Economy On Positives”

Former Chairman of the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce Employers’ Confederation , Gowon Bowe  is  optimistic about  the growth of the country’s economy despite there still being a high unemployment rate, saying that he believes that the future of The Bahamas can be built upon past positives. “We see the slow decline in the unemployment numbers, […]

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Works Minister Apologizes For Audit

Minister of Public Works, Desmond Bannister  made a public apology to Leader of the Opposition, Philip Davis after his reputation and integrity came under attack after a leaked copy of  Ernst and Young’s  audited report of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) became public. Mr.Bannister in a communication in the House of Assembly yesterday  said, “I […]

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Former Central Bank Governor Not Optimistic About Economy

Former Central Bank Governor Julian Francis has painted a very grim picture of the country’s economy saying he is not optimistic for it’s growth in the near future. He made the comments while appearing as a guest on a JCN Roundtable Program discussing the economic prospects of the Bahamas. Francis who served in that post […]

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Dating Violence – a silent epidemic

Dating Violence is a widespread issue that has serious short and long term effects.  Many young people do not report it because they are either afraid or ashamed. Adult victims of rape, physical violence and or stalking by an intimate partner  have reported experiencing some form of partner violence between the ages of eleven and […]

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Crime  is by no means new to anyone in the  country and it is rapidly affecting the youth each day. Dr. Carlos Reid, a reformed drug addict and drug dealer, now Pastor of The Hope Center Ministries , launched a television programme years ago  called ‘The Shock Treatment’ which teaches young men  about the dangers […]

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The  government has received a  major backlash from the leader of the official opposition and a number of citizens who say that salary increases for Members of Parliament  should not be in the plan right now.  However, a few MPs said yesterday they see nothing wrong with the pay raises. National Security Minister Marvin Dames […]

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Engage Bahamians, Says Former Ambassador Gomez

To move the Bahamas’ economy forward, engaging Bahamians at the ground level in their particular skill-sets  is important to growth, according to former Bahamian Ambassador to China, Andy Gomez. Speaking  on Love 97’s daily talk show Issues of the Day, Mr. Gomez said that Bahamians need to be more proactive and that the [government] must […]

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Galanis: MP Proposed Salary Increase Ill-timed

Former Progressive Liberal Party Member of Parliament  Philip Galanis said that the recent promise by Prime Minister, Dr. Hubert Minnis is ill-timed  and needs an independent commission to review the salaries of the entire public sector if an increase is to be considered for sitting Members of Parliament. The former Senator said that he does […]

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