Archive | March, 2014

Cash Denies Resignation Threats

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Darron Cash chastised those within his party who leaked news of a rift between himself and the party over his support of the government’s plans to regularise the local gaming industry, but he denied reports that he has threatened to resign. Mr. Cash reportedly sees regularising the web shops as […]

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Bahamas Set to Discuss Migration At Bilateral Meeting

Government officials will again tackle the highly emotive issue of illegal migration during a bilateral meeting in Port Au Prince, Haiti next week. The decision to pursue such talks comes after The Bahamas raised its own migration issues during the 25th Inter-Sessional Meetings of CARICOM Heads of Government and political heads in St. Vincent and […]

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Bahamas Among 10 Most Ethical Destinations

The Bahamas has been voted one of the top 10 most ethical travel destinations in the world, according to non-profit organisation Ethical Traveler. The 2013 report noted that The Bahamas won its way onto the list by making efforts to reduce human trafficking and expand national parks and protected areas, such as the Andros West […]

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Domino’s Pizza to Raise $50K for Special Olympics

Domino’s Pizza and Abaco Markets Limited (AML) are seeking to raise 50,000 dollars for Special Olympics Bahamas. During a press conference at Domino’s Cable Beach, Ranae Knowles, vice president of marketing for AML said helping the organisation raise money for the special athletes to participate in the 2015 Summer World Games in Los Angles is […]

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Victim Recalls Teacher’s Sexual Assault

The first witness and the victim in the trial for the teacher alleged to have had unnatural sexual intercourse with a male student began yesterday before Supreme Court Justice Roy Jones. Andre Birbal, 51, never looked up at the young man, now in his mid-20’s, who said Birbal touched him in ways he should not […]

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Union: Minister’s Threat Won’t Delay Strike

Bahamas Customs Immigration Allied Workers Union (BCIAWU) Vice President Sloane Smith said despite whatever threats Labour Minister Shane Gibson dishes out, the union is still moving ahead with plans to take strike action. Minister Gibson told the Journal recently that if customs workers go on strike their salaries will be cut and added that the […]

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Murder Suspect Arrested

Police yesterday arrested two young men, one believed to be responsible for a recent murder in the capital. Acting on intelligence, officers from the Flying Squad went to a South Beach home just before 3:00 a.m. Tuesday and arrested the 21-year-old man allegedly behind the shooting death of Troy Bodie. According to police, 26-year-old Bodie […]

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Gray Foreshadows Amendments To Local Gov’t Act

The Local Government Act could be changed significantly ahead of this year’s elections. Local Government Minister V. Alfred Gray on Monday foreshadowed a compendium of amendments to the law including the appointment of a director and deputy director, a move that is deemed necessary as “there is no leadership in the department.” The affairs of […]

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Caricom Approves Slavery Reparation Plan

Caribbean Community (Caricom) leaders unanimously adopted a 10-point plan which calls for reparations for the infliction of slavery on Caribbean colonies by certain former European colonisers during the first day of Heads of Government Meetings in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The 10-point plan includes calling for a formal apology for slavery, some debt cancellation […]

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Bell Denies Authorising Jailhouse Nuptials –Gov’t Officials Tight Lipped

State Minister For National Security Keith Bell refused five interviews outside Cabinet on Tuesday but when asked if he was the one who authorised that wedding between a drug suspect and his fiancé while the man was in custody at the Central Police Station, he denied the claims. Yesterday Journal sources revealed that despite Police […]

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