Archive | September, 2013

Police Sued For $2M–Former Cop Cites Wrongful Dismissal, False Imprisonment

A former Grand Bahama police officer, who was stripped of his uniform, convicted of gun and ammunition possession charges, tossed in jail but then later cleared of those charges and freed, has filed a $2 million lawsuit against the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) and the Attorney General’s Office. Earlier this year the Court of […]

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Legal Fight Brewing Over Vacation Days

Labour Minister Shane Gibson Tuesday hinted that a recent ruling by the Industrial Tribunal that effectively changes the work week from five days to seven days could have some major implications. The tribunal’s ruling, which is being appealed, impacts how vacation time is allotted. Currently, vacation days are awarded in weeks with five days typically […]

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Minister Not Backing Down–PTA President Supports Fitzgerald, GB Principal

Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald is not backing down from those teachers who took part in demonstrations outside his ministry and the Office of the Prime Minister, saying he will have their salaries deducted even after union officials filed six trade disputes with the Department of Labour. Mr. Fitzgerald told reporters Tuesday morning as he headed […]

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“Police Don’t Need Defence Force’s Help”

Just days after the government announced that 150 Defence Force marines would be deployed to the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) to help those officers fight crime Police Staff Association (PSA) Executive Chairman Dwight Smith said police don’t need their help. “We’ve got this,” said Mr. Smith during an interview with The Bahama Journal on […]

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PM: NPDP Is Financially Draining

Although it was highly-touted programme of the Ingraham administration, Prime Minister Perry Christie says he plans to review the national prescription drug plan (NPDP). The NPDP was implemented in 2010. The programme was designed to assist Bahamians with chronic non-communicable diseases by alleviating payments for certain groups. Phase I of the plan includes free medications […]

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Nottage: I Have To Act

A string of violent murders over the past few months has left many families in mourning, the nation gripped with fear and National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage unapologetic about placing police officers on 12-hour shifts to fight crime. The minister said “Bahamians are fearful and I have to act now.” In fact, Dr. Nottage […]

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Neighbour Called Police For Slain Banker

A long time neighbour of slain banker, Stephen Sherman yesterday testified to calling the police and searching the victim’s body after hearing a “pap” sound and screaming. Karen Curtis on Monday told the court she first thought it was a firecracker until she heard a young lady and Sherman’s wife, Renee screaming, “They shot him. […]

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Murder Suspects In Custody

Authorities have taken several suspects in custody for three murders that occurred this past weekend and are searching for five more “major suspects” – four of whom are related. Over the weekend a female Atlantis worker who had just left a wedding and a murder trial witness were gunned down. The killings took place in […]

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Multiple Referenda In November

Prime Minister Perry Christie said the government is ready for a multiple referenda it plans to have in place by November, but will be seeking the consensus of the opposition over what the questions will be. “When we go to Parliament, we would consult the leader of the opposition and the opposition in Parliament to […]

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Man Arraigned On Bus Driver’s Murder

Twenty-two-year-old Stanley Telfort Francois was on Monday arraigned before Acting Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt for the August 19 murder of a bus driver and the attempted murder and armed robberies of two of his passengers. According to court dockets, on that day Francois, intentionally and unlawfully caused the death of bus driver and father of […]

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