Archive | August, 2013

Genereal Post Office

Post Office Floods

It was a soaking mess at the Main Post Office building on East Hill Street Tuesday as a broken pipe in the building’s air condition unit connected to the main water supply sprung a leak flooding the basement forcing workers to be sent home for the day. Water rained down from the overhead pipe and […]

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New Energy Plans For BEC

Prime Minister Perry Christie last night announced that the government will be issuing proposals for a partner or partners to reform the country’s energy sector, which could mean the establishment of two new electricity entities. In a statement released last night, Mr. Christie said the government’s objective is realign the Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) and […]

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Mother Living in Fear

The mother of a recent murder victim said she is in fear of her life and fearful for the safety of her surviving children and family members, so much so that she has packed up her belongings and is leaving the island for good. What makes matters worse in this situation is the fact that […]

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Minnis: Dr. Gomez Out Of Touch With Healthcare

Free National Movement (FNM) Leader and former Health Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis said the current health minister’s assertions that the 20 beds slated for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in the new Critical Care Block are insufficient proves that he is clearly out of touch with what is really going in healthcare worldwide. FNM members […]

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Minnis Responds To Gibson Over MPs Reimbursement

Opposition Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis Tuesday responded to comments made by Labour and National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson who has called for Free National Movement MPs to reimburse the Treasury for the days they have failed to show up at the House of Assembly. Seven of the eight FNM MPs have vowed to stay out […]

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Gov’t Explores Drug Treatment Court

The government is exploring a strategy that would possibly reduce the number of people imprisoned for minor drug charges. According to National Security Minister, Dr. Bernard Nottage, a drug treatment court (DTC) would be used in the case of young people found in possession of small amounts of drugs. It would be supported, he said, […]

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Fox Hill Day Commemorated

A host of cabinet ministers accompanied Prime Minister Perry Christie as he joined Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell in celebrating Fox Hill Day. Constituents have been commemorating the occasion since 1890. Yesterday, the squadron of MPs made a round of church visits in true Fox Hill Day fashion before the event came to a climax […]

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Landfill Burns

Tires, dry palettes and the intense summer heat was all it took to get another fire going at the Harrold Road dumpsite yesterday, creating thick plumes of smoke that blanketed the sky for hours. When the Bahama Journal arrived on the scene, fire fighters were still trying hard to reduce the fire’s intensity, using brake […]

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Defense Attorney Skeptical Of New Legislation

The Bill to amend the Criminal Procedure Code Act that was passed in Parliament on Monday does not sit well with one well-known attorney in the country. Noted attorney Murrio Ducille has been in the game for several years now and has represented some high-profiled clients like Prince Hepburn and most recently Stephen ‘Die’ Stubbs. […]

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Red Cross Launches 2013 Raffle

Scotia Bank Bahamas Ltd partners with the Bahamas Red Cross, sponsoring the charities annual raffle. This year’s raffles boasts great prizes including a new car and a property on the island of San Salvador. Dame Marguerite Pindling a notable figure was present today at the official launch of the raffle; tickets can be purchased at […]

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