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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

BCPOU Files Trade Dispute Against BTC

24 July 2019

Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) President Dino Rolle filed a trade dispute against the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) Limited on Monday. The BCPOU filed a trade dispute with the Ministry of Labour citing BTC’s failure to negotiate in good faith on the proposed voluntary separation packages (VSEP).  According to Rolle, “This action is […]

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Wells Defends Post Office Deal

24 July 2019

WMinister of Transport and Local Government Renward Wells made a valiant attempt to defend the controversial General Post Office deal, which includes its relocation to the Town Centre Mall and a lease agreement with St. Anne’s Member of Parliament Brent Symonette. When pressed on the issue outside Cabinet yesterday morning, Wells gave a terse response […]

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DNA Demands Higher Physician Wages

24 July 2019

Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Arinthia Komolafe called on the government to improve the country’s healthcare system by providing one year contracts for junior doctors and a better paid workforce. Komolafe made this call during a press conference on Tuesday where she discussed the government’s lack of initiatives to resolve issues such as poor medical […]

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Renward Wells

Gov’t to Address Public Transportation Issues

24 July 2019

The deadline for the government to address the issues concerning taxi and bus drivers was extended to August, according to Minister of Transport and Local Government Renward Wells. Yesterday, Wells said a cabinet subcommittee is also scheduled to meet this month to address the concerns of public service drivers, which range from a lifting the […]

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FNM Attacks PLP’s 10-Year Plan

24 July 2019

The Free National Movement (FNM) attacked the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) 10-year plan describing it as “incompetent”. In a statement issued on Tuesday, the FNM criticized the plan pointing out that it begins with massively increasing spending on party infrastructure, including new headquarters in every constituency. “It appears new leadership could be a very real […]

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$300 Million Investment for Ocean Cay

24 July 2019

The final stages of preparing Ocean Cay for MSC Cruises is underway and over $300 million has been invested in the undertakings so far. MSC Cruises is the number one operator in Freeport for transshipment (Mediterranean Shipping Company) since 1997. The company has also been a part of the cruise division since 2004 and European […]

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MSC Cruises to Transform Ocean Cay

24 July 2019

A former sand-mining and aragonite site, Ocean Cay, abandoned in 2015 was acquired by MSC Cruises, which are now working to conserve the natural elements of the property while turning it into a marine reserve.  MSC Cruise began the project in 2015 and took on the challenge to transform the industrial wasteland into a marine […]

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Rudy King Charged Again

23 July 2019

Notorious businessman Rudolph King, also known as ‘Rudy King’, who was previously indicted on fraud charges, was back in court yesterday and charged with five counts of fraud by false pretense and five counts of money laundering.  It is alleged that between June 13, 2012 and March 5, 2015, King obtained cash in the amount […]

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Man Charged for Fatal Crash

23 July 2019

Shaquille Bethel Hamilton, 26, appeared in the Magistrate’s Court on Monday where he was charged with four traffic offences including a recent fatality.  Hamilton, a resident of Yellow Elder, is accused of killing by reckless driving which resulted in the death of a female passenger. According to police, the incident took place on June 14 […]

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Gov’t to Crackdown on ‘Midnight Cowboys’

23 July 2019

The Gaming Amendment Bill was passed in the Upper Chamber on Monday and according to Attorney General Senator Carl Bethel, the goal of the Gaming Board is to crackdown on illegal gaming operators, who he called ‘midnight cowboys’. “There are some midnight cowboys out there who offer number placement using their telephones and placing these […]

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