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BAHAMAS INVESTMENT FORUM IN WASHINGTON, DC --  Photographed above are some the participants of the first Bahamas Business and Investment Forum in Washington, DC organized by The Embassy of The Bahamas. From left to right are Senator Barry Griffin; Central Bank Governor John Rolle; Senator Quinton Lightbourn; Senator Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Barbara Feinstein, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; The  Bahamas Ambassador to the United States His Excellency Wendall Jones; The Hon. I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments; Ambassador Chet Neymour; Consul General Washington Patrick Adderley; Consul General New York Leroy Major; and Michael Fountain, Honorary Consul Chicago.


The Deputy Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, I. Chester Cooper has announced that the government will execute heads of agreements this month for more than $1billion of new investments in major touristic developments. It is understood that these projects are slated for Paradise Island and Cable Beach. Mr. Cooper made the announcement […]



Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and AviationChester Cooper visited the island of Eleuthera on Monday to sign a $55 million dollar loanagreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to facilitate updates to North Eleuthera’s airportterminal.The updates to North Eleuthera International Airport have been long […]

“Don’t Turn Back the Clock”, Says Roberts

12 April 2017

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts yesterday strongly urged Bahamians to vote PLP, charging that a vote for the “reactionary” Free National Movement (FNM) would be turning back the clock.   The PLP Chairman in a statement said the FNM is “hell bent” on cancelling any progress made by Bahamians during his party’s reign. […]

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Dames Calls Promotions A Sham

12 April 2017

Former Deputy Commissioner and current Free National Movement candidate for Mt. Moriah Marvin Dames has called the recent slate of promotions and graduations in the uniform branches sector a sham.   In an interview The Journal on the sidelines of the Free National Movement press conference yesterday afternoon, Mr. Dames minced no words calling the […]

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Roberts: Peet “Wasting His Time”

11 April 2017

Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts said he feels former PLP Cabinet Minister Vincent Peet is wasting his time in his independent bid for the seat in the Berry Islands and North Andros.   Over the weekend, Mr. Peet revealed that he would re- enter politics and offer himself up for election as an independent […]

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FNM Candidate Was “Disbarred”

11 April 2017

Over the past few weeks, Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts has had several Free National Movement Candidates in his crosshairs. However yesterday he called out the party’s Secretary General Michael Foulkes for being disbarred from the Florida Bar.   Mr. Roberts was speaking to reporters at the Progressive Liberal Headquarters on Farrington Road.   […]

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11 April 2017

Amidst numerous calls for debate among the country’s political leaders, Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Sidney Collie said if it is left up to him, his leader Dr. Hubert Minnis, would not engage in such a debate.   Mr. Collie’s statement comes in response to Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts’ request to have […]

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Mitchell Blasts DNA Candidate On Community Centre

11 April 2017

After allegations by Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Fox Hill Candidate Kendal Smith that Fox Hill Member of Parliament (MP) Fred Mitchell accepted a two million dollar cheque from the Chinese to complete the Fox Hill Community Centre, Mr. Mitchell yesterday lamented the accusation as false.   The allegation made the rounds on social media, suggesting […]

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Minnis : Baha Mar Opening Is Fake

11 April 2017

Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis has lambasted the government over the multi-bllion dollar Baha Mar resort, going as far as to call the soft opening of the resort next week Friday   “a fake”. In a statement Dr. Minnis said his comments were reinforced by a senior Baha Mar executive. “We are less […]

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Last minute voters in an outrage

11 April 2017

Pandemonium broke out at the Parliamentary Registry yesterday as hundreds of Bahamians scurried to register before the 5pm voter registry deadline set by law preceding the dissolution of Parliament today.   While several other locations including Marathon Mall, Town Centre Mall, the South Beach Post Office, the Cable Beach Post office, Elizabeth Estates Post Office […]

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DNA releases 2017 Manifesto

11 April 2017

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has announced the release of its “Vision 2017 and Beyond”, a 70-page document that specifically outlines a five year plan should the party assume office following the 2017 General Elections. “This document covers all aspects of government and signifies revolutionary change in the way an administration should operate,” said party […]

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As You Would Have Done Unto You

07 April 2017

By P.J. Malone There are certain individuals in our society who have gone to great lengths to engage in a very malicious and evil campaign to destroy another individual simply because one individual—with the money to make it happen—wants it so. It is said that once you can create an emotional and mental distance from […]

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