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BAHAMAS INVESTMENT FORUM IN WASHINGTON, DC --  Photographed above are some the participants of the first Bahamas Business and Investment Forum in Washington, DC organized by The Embassy of The Bahamas. From left to right are Senator Barry Griffin; Central Bank Governor John Rolle; Senator Quinton Lightbourn; Senator Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Barbara Feinstein, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; The  Bahamas Ambassador to the United States His Excellency Wendall Jones; The Hon. I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments; Ambassador Chet Neymour; Consul General Washington Patrick Adderley; Consul General New York Leroy Major; and Michael Fountain, Honorary Consul Chicago.


The Deputy Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, I. Chester Cooper has announced that the government will execute heads of agreements this month for more than $1billion of new investments in major touristic developments. It is understood that these projects are slated for Paradise Island and Cable Beach. Mr. Cooper made the announcement […]



Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and AviationChester Cooper visited the island of Eleuthera on Monday to sign a $55 million dollar loanagreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to facilitate updates to North Eleuthera’s airportterminal.The updates to North Eleuthera International Airport have been long […]

Discouraged Workers Increases

30 July 2018

While the level of unemployment remains relatively the same in the Bahamas, the number of discouraged workers, or those who have stopped searching for jobs has increased significantly. The preliminary results of the Labour Force Survey May 2018 released by the Department of Statistics show that employment increased marginally. The survey revealed that employment shot […]

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Why Following Business Principles Matters

27 July 2018

The Clifton Review    The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless questionable court […]

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Construction Industry Facing Many Challenges

27 July 2018

Minister of Public Works, the Hon. Desmond Bannister told contractors in Grand Bahama that the construction industry is facing many challenges. He said the two most pressing of those challenges are the commencement of the enforcement of the Construction Contractor’s Act and the issue of E-procurement, a new procedure recently launched by the Ministry of […]

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Conch Poisoning Victims Increasing

27 July 2018

Conch poisoning cases are becoming increasingly harder to treat, according to Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands. He confirmed that there are now 27 confirmed cases of the illness. In addition, there are 22 cases awaiting lab results.  Among those now suffering from the illness are tourists. “Cases from the early part of this outbreak were […]

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PM Reveals Plans for New Gov’t Building

27 July 2018

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis has confirmed a major   project to transform the Southern Recreation Grounds  and surrounding areas. Additionally, he added that contracts are being issued and ground will soon be broken on two of the smaller parks, which are Father Marcian Peters Park and McPherson Park. The Prime Minister said the tender […]

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Construction at A. F. Adderley School Expected to End in Time for School Re-opening

27 July 2018

Construction of 25 classrooms and a new administration wing at A.F. Adderley Junior High School are “progressing steadily” and expected to be finished in time for September, a few months ahead of the projected date. Tim Johnson, chief architect, Ministry of Public Works, said the $14 million project began in January 2017 and has a […]

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Gov’t Accused of Hurting The Poor

27 July 2018

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader, Philip Davis,  says that if passed as is, the Economic Empowerment Zone Bill 2018, will only create overlapping of procedures of administrative arrangements. ​The opposition has advanced the  argument that the Minnis administration is no friend of the poor and that it is  using provisions of the Economic Empowerment Bill […]

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Gov’t gets $20MIL IDB Loan For Training

27 July 2018

The government yesterday entered into a $20million dollar loan agreement with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), for the Skills for Current and Future jobs in The Bahamas initiative. ​The initiative is an overall investment of $50million, where the other $30 million is financed by the government, according to Chief of Operations, Michael Nelson. ​“This programme […]

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Success Thru Proven Business Principles

25 July 2018

The Clifton Review    The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless questionable court […]

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Politicians Hail Neymour’s Contribution

25 July 2018

Condolences have been received from a wide cross-section of the public by  the family of former Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament, Phenton Neymour, who died yesterday. Mr. Neymour, had been battling colon cancer since 2014. Yesterday, The Journal spoke with one of Neymour’s former cabinet colleagues, Attorney General, Carl Bethel, who remembered him as […]

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