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PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis has signed a desalination contract between the Waterand Sewerage Corporation and Consolidated Water for two desalination plants.While at his West Bay Street office he said it marks the beginning of an“extraordinary” new chapter for Cat Island.According to the Prime Minister the Member of Parliament for […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff WriterResidents of mainland Eleuthera and surrounding islands like Harbour Islandand Spanish Wells have been vocal and action-oriented in recent timesbemoaning the lack of reliable infrastructure like electricity, potable water andinternet services.The government has heard their cries and announced several plans to addressthe issues and according to Prime Minister Philip Davis […]

New Rules For Fiscal Responsibility

28 September 2018

After months of consultation  debate yesterday opened on the Fiscal Responsibility Bill with the government announcing new rules. The proposed legislation essentially sets guiding principles and rules for how a government spends and accounts for taxpayer’s money. The Minnis administration is  seeking  to ensure it meets fiscal gains set out in its budget. It calls […]

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Bahamians Arraigned For Murders and Stealing

28 September 2018

It  was  a  busy day in the courts as  six persons stood before Chief Magistrate Joyanne Ferguson- Pratt on a for a number of offenses. In the first  case 38-year-old Mark Kemp of  Cox Street who was charged  with intentionally and unlawfully causing  the death of Lamon Johnson on September 7th. Kemp also attempted to […]

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How To Set The Right Foundation

28 September 2018

The Clifton Review    The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless questionable court […]

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The Right Frame Of Mind for Business Effectiveness

26 September 2018

The Clifton Review    The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless questionable court […]

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Labour Day Truck Driver Arraigned For Manslaughter

26 September 2018

Relatives packed a courtroom yesterday, afternoon as 22-year-old Travis Lamar Sawyer stood before a magistrate to face four counts of manslaughter by negligence. The charges are in  connection with the 2018 Labour Day Parade accident  that ended in the deaths of four women – Tabitha Haye, Tami Gibson, Dianne Gray-Ferguson and Kathleen Fernander. It is  […]

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26 September 2018

The fight against corruption comes at a cost and the government is  willing to pay in terms of looking to better protect whistleblowers – those who expose corruption or wrongdoing – but risk being driven to the point of bankruptcy for doing so.  AttorneyGeneral Carl Bethel addressed the issue before heading into cabinet yesterday and […]

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Gov’t to meet with Webshop Bosses

26 September 2018

The government is set to meet with Webshop  gaming house representatives this week to discuss the merits of the injunction currently in the Supreme Court.  This came from Attorney General Carl Bethel who said they need time to get their case together before having this  meeting. “We were hoping to hold one on Monday,  but […]

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Climate Change Impacts Sustainable Tourism

26 September 2018

The impact of climate change on global economies makes it imperative that the Caribbean region begins to recognize threats on the tourism industry, as well as the standard of life. This was  the focus of a workshop in New Providence yesterday in a Sustainable tourism and disaster risk management meeting in the Caribbean.   The […]

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26 September 2018

Agriculture Minister Michael Pintard told reporters yesterday that he was taken aback by the Bahamas National Trust’s concerns that officials are exploring the expansion of commercial fishing to include pelagic species like tuna. The minister assured, however, that there has been no such conversation. He said, “neither administration is prepared to reverse the decision made. […]

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PM: “ Peace And Justice Transcends Race”

25 September 2018

Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Hubert A. Minnis told the delegates at the United Nations yesterday that “peace and justice are as indivisible as the bond of human dignity, which transcends race, creed, ethnicity and  every circumstance of birth amidst the exuberant diversity of humanity.”  Dr. Minnis  was at the United Nations, New York, on […]

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