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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

PM: Govt Working to Improve Investment Policies

27 October 2023

BY DESTINY JOHNSONJournal Staff Writer The second Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) began a two-day meeting in the capital onMonday evening at the Atlantis Paradise Island’s Grand Ballroom.Over 500 attendees from 40 countries along with 45 institutional investors are currently incountry with the aim to share, learn, prepare and finalize business and investment deals thatsupport regional […]

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Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Chester Cooper

DPM Wants New Investment in Agriculture

27 October 2023

BY DESTINY JOHNSONJournal Staff Writer With the second annual Caribbean Investment Forum continuing in the capital, Deputy PrimeMinister Chester Cooper said following this forum, he hopes for new investment in TheBahamas’ agricultural sector as the country continues to strive for a reduction in its food importbill.“This event is big on technology, Agritech, Fintech, [and] ICT. […]

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PM Says Loss of Wilchcombe ‘Irreplaceable’

27 October 2023

By Licec BastianJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis honoured the life and legacy of the late ObieWilchcombe in the House of Assembly on Wednesday as he made his contribution tothe Speech from the Throne Debate.As he moved a Resolution thanking Governor General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt for herdelivery of the Speech from the Throne, during […]

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Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Davis Reaffirms Commitment to Haiti

27 October 2023

By Delvardo EmmanuelJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis reaffirmed The Bahamas’ commitment to assist Haitiin its time of crisis.During his keynote address at the opening session of Diplomatic Week, PrimeMinister Davis discussed the humanitarian crisis in Haiti and expressing deepconcern for the deteriorating state of affairs there.He told those in attendance that The Bahamas […]

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The Late Obie Wilchcombe

Life and Legacy of Obie Wilchcombe Honoured

27 October 2023

By Licec BastianJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis honoured the life and legacy of the late ObieWilchcombe in the House of Assembly on Wednesday as he made his contribution tothe Speech from the Throne Debate.As he moved a Resolution thanking Governor General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt for herdelivery of the Speech from the Throne, during […]

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Another Motorcyclist Killed — Four die in motorbike crashes in less than a week

27 October 2023

Licec BastianJournal Staff WriterAnother motorcyclist was killed in a traffic accident on Sunday, the third male to losehis life in such a tragic way and the fourth to die as a result of motorcycle collisions ina week.Police launched active investigations into the 46 th fatality for the year, according toThe Journal’s records, when a 24-year-old […]

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Hon. Jobeth Coleby-Davis, Minister of Energy and Transport

BEUMU Signs New Industrial Agreement with BPL

27 October 2023

DESTINY JOHNSONJournal Staff WriterAfter months of negotiations, a five-year industrial agreement has been finalized and signedbetween Bahamas Power and Light Company (BPL) and the Bahamas Electrical UtilityManagerial Union (BEUMU).The signing on Tuesday afternoon, at the Office of the Prime Minister, while it came with somedisappointment, there was also much enthusiasm.Minister of Energy and Transport Jobeth […]

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Two Near Drownings Hours Apart

27 October 2023

By Licec BastianJournal Staff Writer Hours after a 16-year-old teen was heroically pulled from a vehicle submerged inwaters at Arawak Cay, a female American tourist was rescued from waters by alifeguard on Cable Beach.Police in the capital are investigating two near drowning incidents.On Monday morning, sometime around 9:45, a 59-year-old female visitor from theUnited States […]

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BAMSI to Plant 400,000 Trees

27 October 2023

BY DESTINY JOHNSONJournal Staff Writer The Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) launched its One-to-OneChallenge Programme, aimed at planting one tree for each citizen in the archipelago.The first of three trees were planted at Doris Johnson Senior High School, CI Gibson and CVBethel Senior High School.Executive Chairman of BAMSI Senator Tyrel Young, while at […]

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20 October 2023

The Candidates Committee of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) met last evening to consider anumber of applicants to contest the West End and Bimini constituency. The selection of thenominee created great consternation throughout the country with PLP supporters, due to theexchange of words between party Chairman Fred Mitchell and one of the contestants, formerCabinet Minister […]

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