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Photographed at the opening of The Bahamas embassy in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday from left to right are: Hon. Pia Glover-Rolle, Minister of Labour and The Public Service; Hon. Fred Mitchell, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Omar Shebadeh, UAE Special Envoy to The Bahamas; HE Tony Joudi, Ambassador to UAE; Permanent Secretary Melvin Seymour; and Permanent Secretary Eugene Poitier.

By Gerrino J. Saunders
Journal Staff Writer
With the passing of new legislation to modernize and make the foreign service
more effective, the Davis administration is now furthering the government of The
Bahamas’ reach to the Arabian Peninsula with the opening of an embassy in Abu
Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on Wednesday.
The diplomats of the embassy headed by Ambassador Tony Joudi also have
accreditation to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. 
During his remarks at the embassy’s opening Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred
Mitchell said the new embassy is the culmination of a long process of establishing
formal diplomatic relations between these countries. 
He said, “the embassy aims to provide services to Bahamians in the region and
foster stronger ties between The Bahamas and the Gulf region.”
The Bahamas established diplomatic relations with the UAE in 2011, Qatar in
2013, and Saudi Arabia in 2022. 
Mitchell said, “agreements such as a visa abolition agreement with the UAE and an
MOU on technical assistance have been signed, with further agreements on asset
protection and double taxation planned. “These agreements aim to deepen cultural,
and people-to-people ties, economic cooperation, and technical assistance.”
He noted that The Bahamas seeks to deepen its participation in international
organizations, aiming for positions in various bodies including the International
Maritime Organization, International Telecommunications Union, and Food and
Agriculture Organization. 
“It also seeks a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council.  This active
engagement reflects the Bahamas’ commitment to maintaining established
international institutions and working within them for global good.

Mitchell reminded that climate change is identified as The Bahamas’ top foreign
policy issue given the existential threat it poses to the islands.” 
He said, “The Bahamas plans to continue working with the UAE and other
regional partners on climate action, participating in future COP meetings. The
vulnerability of The Bahamas to rising sea levels is highlighted, with projections
indicating significant land loss by 2100.
Meanwhile, back here in The Bahamas, the passage of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Bill 2024 and Foreign Service Bill 2024 in the Senate this week, will
officially establish a Department of Foreign Service with clear structures, rules and
career paths, ensuring that diplomatic officers are trained to the highest standards
as the country engages in policy making and direction of the foreign affairs of The
The new legislation will also support the government’s more active approach to
trade beyond traditional partners.
After the Senate passed the Bills despite the Opposition Senators voting against
them Minister Mitchell in a written statement from the Middle East commended
the Government Senators.
He said, “I wish to thank the PLP’s team in the Senate who passed the Foreign
Service bills in the upper house today. The passage of the bills completes the
legislative steps to bring into force a new foreign service regime. 
“These bills were passed by this next generation of PLPs. It demonstrates an
axiom of my belief that in this country, we can walk and chew gum at the same
time. As they were piloting the bills, I and others in the Ministry were fulfilling the
Blue Print for Change by the opening of our newest embassy in Abu Dhabi to
service the Bahamians who live in the Middle East,” he said.
“Now comes the even harder part, and that is the execution of what Parliament has
passed. That is the job of the Director General Jerusa Ali, a young
Bahamian woman and her team. It’s over to the foreign service officers now to
make the dream a further reality,” said the foreign service minister.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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