Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell gave an update on the recent apprehensions of illegal immigrants yesterday during his contribution to the debate in the House of Assembly.
On Tuesday, some 67 immigrants were apprehended in Exuma and this, according to the minister, has been happening way too frequently.
“Illegal migration continues to bedevil this country,” he said.
“We have these fifth columnists in the country who are seeking to sue the court system to bankrupt the country and tie the government up in knots to allow the kind of incursions that we witnessed just in the last few days. The Royal Bahamas Defence Force yesterday acting on information from sources in Long Island was able to spot and interdict a boat at Staniel Cay. They arrested 92 people altogether. There were 72 males, 12 females and eight children. They were not so fortunate in Eleuthera but they did arrest 15 males, seven females and two children.”
Minister Mitchell has confirmed that all the women and children who were recently apprehended are in safe houses here in the capital and will be deported this Sunday.
The immigration minister also mentioned that a dead body recently found in waters near Harbour Island is believed to be one of an illegal immigrant. He said the captain of that vessel is in custody and is expected to face charges.
“One dead body floated up at Harbour Island,” he said.
“We believe it is connected with the landing at Eleuthera. We think that we may have identified the captain of the vessel and our intention is to recommend murder chancres if the evidence bears it out. This once again underlines the seriousness of this matter to The Bahamas. If you look at the pictures there are the flower of Haiti’s youth being exported to this country by illegal means. This is not sustainable and cannot be accepted. We must fight it.”
The minister said what is increasingly vexing is that certain communities in the country have come to be no go areas where illegal migrants gather and they speak about The Bahamas government with impunity, as if they are untouchable.
Minister Mitchell said the government is going to continue to do its part to stop this.
He confirmed that he has been working with the minister for the environment and they both plan to have joint operations to end the no go areas where illegal migrants can gather and feel that they are beyond the reach of Bahamian law.