A student’s alleged attack on a C.V. Bethel teacher is the focus of a Police investigation, the results of which Education Minister Jeffrey Lloyd said he is eagerly awaiting to determine the next course of action.
“We are awaiting that and have been urgently and patiently waiting that police report.
“When we have it, we are then going to be able to make decisions, because I do not now as minister have the full report of what happened at the school last week as many of you know I was in London.
“ Minister Desmond Bannister was acting for me, so when I have that report in my hand, then we will take whatever steps may be necessary,” he said.
The altercation forced the suspension of classes at the East Street south campus, but according to the minister, the decision to not attend classes is against the law.
“I am advised that the teachers have not been going to school, and have not been going to class.
“Of course, I am following up very closely on that and if that is so and I certainly have no reason to doubt the sources of my information, then the teachers need to be in school and in classes.
“This action by them is illegal and it is contrary to the industrial agreement. Teachers need to be in the classes teaching our students who have a right to education and a right to the professional guidance that teachers provide,” said Mr. Lloyd.
As for the teachers’ reported plan to take industrial action, the Minister
said, “the union can say whatever the union wishes to say, the union has whatever rights the union has, my concern as the Minister of education is the education of our children, the safety of our children and our teachers.
“That is my fundamental obligation and concern and I am taking that very seriously.
“Nobody deserves to be put in any way in a compromised position with regards to their safety and welfare and that of course is something that I am most passionate about in terms of making sure that they are protected, both teachers and students and anybody else who happens to be on the campus, that’s administration and whoever else,” the Minister said.