Human Rights and Constitutional Lawyer Fred Smith is seeking leave to appeal to the Privy Council in the controversial immigration case of Jean –Rony Jean Charles.
Recently,The Court of Appeal found that the Justice Gregory Hilton was not entitled to consider or grant the Jean- Rony’s application for relief pursuant to Article 28 of the Constitution and that he should have instituted new proceedings if he wanted to seek that relief.
Mr. Smith is asking the Privy Council to find that Judge Hilton was correct in finding that Jean- Rony’s constitutional rights were breached; to reverse the decision of the Court of Appeal; uphold Justice Hilton’s decision and to reinstate Jean Rony’s entitlement to damage and costs.
The lawyer insists that it was wrong of the Court of Appeal to ignore the abuse suffered by Jean Rony at the hands of the government, when they had all of the powers under article 28 of the constitution to determine if his rights had been breached.
Documents filed by Atorney Smith of Callenders and Company state: “The Court of Appeal erred in finding that the proceedings were brought to an end, so as to preclude the determination of the constitutional application, by the Judge’s determination in relation to the writ of Habeas Corpus. Alternatively, the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the
Judge’sorder dismissing the writ was appropriate, and should have held instead that he should have made no order on the writ.
“The Court of Appeal was wrong to allow the appeal on the basis that it was unknown at the time that the constitutional application was determined whether the Respondent was the person whose detention and deportation were referred to in the return to the writ. On the true reading of his judgment, the Judge held on the balance of probabilities that they were the same person. Alternatively, the issue of the Respondent’s identity was, or should have been, resolved on appeal, including by virtue of the concession in that regard made by the Appellants.
“The Court of Appeal erred in holding that the Judge had insufficient evidence before him to determine the constitutional application. The Judge was entitled to rely on the affidavit of Clotilde Jean Charles and did so. In any event the judge was entitled to rely on the facts in the Return and they were sufficient to found relief. Alternatively, the Court of Appeal had sufficient evidence before it to determine the constitutional application in the Respondent’s favour and should have done so.
“The Court of Appeal erred in allowing the appeal on the basis that the Appellants had an insufficient opportunity to respond to the constitutional application. The Appellants did have such an opportunity, did respond, and/or waived any objection on that ground. Alternatively, any such defect should have been, and was, cured on appeal because the Appellants had the opportunity to, and did, respond fully in the course of the appeal in relation to the issues engaged by the Judge’s ruling.
“The Court of Appeal erred in determining the appeal on matters that were not grounds of appeal.
“The learned Judge was correct to find that the Appellants had breached the Respondent’s constitutional rights by virtue of the unlawful circumstances of his arrest, detention and deportation and that he lacked adequate alternative means of redress. The constitutional relief ordered by the Judge was appropriate and it was within his powers to order it.
“In the alternative, the Court of Appeal was moved to and failed and thereby erred in failing to exercise their original and or concurrent Article 28 Constitutional jurisdiction to uphold the learned Judge’s judgement and or to grant the same and or similar constitutional relief to the Respondent as was granted by the learned Judge, especially having regard to: the fact that there was no ground of appeal challenging the jurisdiction of the learned Judge to exercise the Supreme Court’s Article 28 Constitutional jurisdiction in the circumstances that he did; the only ground of appeal was that the Respondent had alternative means of redress available to him and should have exhausted them first additional evidence that was before the Court of Appeal and which was not before the learned Judge at trial,” stated the filing for the appeal before the judicial committee of the Privy Council.
After the ruling of the Court of Appeal last month, Mr. Smith told this Journal that the Justices, led by Sir Michael Barnett, did not deal with the constitutional issues in the case.
He said the question was about a person born in the Bahamas, whether they can or cannot be legally deported or expelled and whether or not the Supreme Court has the power to order the government to release somebody, or whether or not the Immigration Department does or does not have the power to detain people who were born in the Bahamas who are citizens in waiting remains unresolved.