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“I Can Go where I please,” says Minnis

Leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) Dr. Hubert Minnis says this past weekend he asserted his democratic right when he visited Haitian Flag Day.


Dr. Minnis’ comments came in response to Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney after he said that Prime Minister Perry Christie and Dr. Minnis were making a “political spectacle” of the event.


“Bahamians were celebrated. I am leader in the country, I am a Bahamian. I am entitled to go wherever I chose. That’s democracy. So when McCartney or others say I should not go here or there I say to him and the entire Bahamas, as a Bahamian I am entitled to go wherever I chose,” the Opposition Leader said.


“I voted for democracy and I will fight for democracy. The Haitian Bahamians had a right to be where they were and I had a right to visit them and I have a right to visit anyone in this country.”


After the event a voice note circulated during which Mr. Christie could be heard saying that he hopes to have another Stephen Dillet in the House of Assembly.


Stephen Dillet, a Haitian native, was the first black man to be elected in Bahamian Parliament.


The holiday has been celebrated in The Bahamas since 2002 after a group of Haitians wanted to show respect to their culture.


Mr. MCartney told the media that it is his hope that the Haitian community sees through the prime minister and Dr. Minnis’ ploy.


The upcoming gender equality referendum has sparked much controversy about women being given the privilege of making their foreign husband a foreigner.


Many Bahamians have voiced that they do not wish for foreigners, including Haitians, to gain the same rights as Bahamian men.


The referendum is set for June 7.




Written by Jones Bahamas

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