As gambling regulations are in talks, the issue of gambling addiction is silent, according to mental health professionals.
Earlier this year, Minister of Health Dr. Duane Sands said gambling has become a significant public health issue in the Bahamas and announced that the government is working to combat the gaming addiction.
Psychiatrist Dr. Kirkland Christie believes the stigma and shame that comes along with addiction, are preventing people from seeking help and the root of the issue isn’t revealed until further testing for treating other mental disorders.
Dr. Christie said usually gambling disorders are associated with alcohol use disorder.
“They’re more apt to say alcohol problem,” Dr. Christie said, adding that upon further interview, the patient is then told that he or she has a gambling disorder.
A potential obstacle for people to seek help is the expense for private addiction specialists, which is needed for treatment. This leaves the option to seek treatment at Sandilands Rehabilitation Center.
However, Consultant Psychiatrist Dr. John Dillet believes it is still possible to receive adequate help for a gambling addiction.
“I do think there are a number of good people that work in those institutions that do have the training and experience,” Dr. Dillet said.
“I do think mental health resources are overwhelmed and under-resourced and that would go for all major disciplines including gambling.”