Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney believes that the prime minister doesn’t need a new residence at the moment, and instead, that money should be used to tackle the bigger issues the country is now facing.
In a press statement yesterday, Mr. McCartney said it has now become clearer than ever before, that Prime Minister Perry Christie has abandoned any pretenses that he or his administration has any intention of addressing the myriad of pressing national issues facing this country.
Last Thursday during his remarks at a post-election seminar, Mr. Christie, supported by Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis, said that he has plans for the government to construct a new home that would be occupied by the prime minister.
According to Mr. Christie, The Bahamas is probably the only country in the world without a residence designated for the nation’s chief.
However, the DNA Leader believes that there are more pressing matters that tax payer money should be spent on, rather than an “unnecessary” residence for the prime minister.
“The Prime Minister’s comments prove yet again, that the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), despite their “Believe in Bahamians” election mantra, cannot be trusted to make the needs of the country a priority,” Mr. McCartney said.
“Even worse, while making these pronouncements, the prime minister failed to provide the public with an estimated timeline or a proposed budget; even asserting during his remarks that matters of parliamentary concern should not be limited by budgetary demands. How, during the worst economic recession in recent memory can a prime minister justify using scarce government resources on what can only be described as an unnecessary luxury?”
Mr. McCartney, who aspires to one day become prime minister, said the government is recklessly spending the country’s money while increasing the tax burden on the backs of the people.
“While the DNA cannot deny the need for a modern house of parliament and a residence for the prime minister, such concerns pale in comparison to the far more critical issues facing Bahamians today,” he said.
“Since taking office the government has failed time and time again to get its priorities in order. The time has come for this PLP administration and its leaders to put aside their personal ambitions and inclinations and truly live up to the expectations of the electorate by putting the needs of the Bahamian people and this country first.”
Mr. McCartney believes that in a country where struggling men and women continue to lose their jobs and their homes, the prime minister is choosing to agitate for grander political edifices.
According to the DNA Leader, all the promises made by the PLP while on the campaign trail have been abandoned for tools of political gain.