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Dengue Cases Increase

Dr. Hon. Michael Darville, Minister of Health

Journal Staff Writer

In less than a week, cases of dengue fever in The Bahamas have gone up to 21, with one of those
infected a child.
Just last Thursday, Health and Wellness Minister Dr. Michael Darville, during a press conference
at the Ministry of Health, told reporters that there were 16 cases of dengue confirmed in New
Providence with a suspected case in Abaco awaiting test results.
At the time, the minister, also noted that three cases were in hospital with one person in the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Dr. Darville, in an update Tuesday, said this is a different strain of dengue from what the country
experienced in 2011.
“Of the 21 cases, what is concerning the Ministry of Health is 16 of those came back serotype
positive for Type 3 Dengue,” he told reporters.
“In 2011, we had a situation where we had Dengue and mainly it was serotypes one and two.
“We are concerned because if you had Dengue in the past and you have Dengue with serotype 3,
there’s a strong possibility that you would have a more severe reaction and possibly result in
hospitalization and that’s why the Ministry of Health and Wellness, the Department of
Environmental Health, are working so diligently to ensure that we educate the general population
on precautionary measures and to ensure that we stop the breeding in those areas where cases
have been identified.”
He said cases have been confined to the southern and eastern areas of New Providence with now
five dengue patients in hospital.
“We spoke at our press conference about brackish water, but we realized that the majority of
complications and spread potential by the vector is basically in the environment,” he added.
“So, protection is the key element for us to protect our environment, to ensure that we do not
have these breeding sites around our homes, to reduce the spread as a result of overbreeding of
the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
“Yes, at the last report indicated that one person was an ICU.
“That one person is now on the medical ward, thank God.
“But I also want to report that we have five cases in hospital now.

“Of the five, one is a pediatric case. We’re monitoring all of them closely and none are in the
intensive care.”
Dr Darville encouraged residents to practice preventative measures to reduce breeding of these
“Yes, fogging will continue, but the environmental experts made it very clear that fogging is only
one element, fogging basically addressing the mosquito that is airborne”, he said.
“But if we still have breeding, if we fog today and we do not address the breeding sites, we end
up having the same situation the following day.
“So, it’s important for residents to walk around the home to look for areas of potential breeding
“Turn over those empty containers. Make sure that you have insect repellent and try to protect
yourself with long sleeve as well as long pants.
“We know that the mosquito is very active from dusk to dawn, but it can be active during the
day, but they are the most indicative signs of when you can get a potential.
“Again, the Bahamian population needs to understand the importance of protecting our own
environment to reduce the breeding of this mosquito, which is the mosquito responsible for the
spread as the vector of dengue fever.”
Symptoms of dengue fever include headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, rash, aches and pains such
as eye pain – typically behind the eyes, muscle, bone and joint pain.
Persons experiencing fever and two or more of these symptoms should see a healthcare provider.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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