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hospital tour

New Critical Care Block 90 Per Cent Complete

The new Critical Care Block at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) is said to be on time, on budget and more than 90 per cent complete. On Monday, Prime Minister Perry Christie, his Cabinet and other health care professionals took a lengthy tour of the new four-storey building. To date the $55 million, 66,000 square […]

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Edison Key Caption

Key Invited To Join PLP

Amidst debate that Central and South Abaco MP Edison Key is not following Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis, Mr. Key was offered an invitation by Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP Obie Wilchcombe to “come on over”. During yesterday’s House sitting, which saw Mr. Key sitting for only a few minutes, the West […]

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Bradly Roberts

PLP Chairman: Minnis ‘Clueless’

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman, Bradley Roberts has called Free National Movement (FNM) Leader, Dr. Hubert Minnis “clueless and confused” in reference to the ruckus created in the House of Assembly by Dr. Minnis and several opposition members on Wednesday. Mr. Roberts, who spoke to the Bahama Journal yesterday, said it is sad that Dr. […]

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butler Turner

Butler-Turner: Constituents Upset With Key

Two days after her leader was kicked out of Parliament, she and her colleagues boycotted the move and walked out and another of her colleagues not backing these actions FNM Deputy Leader Loretta Butler-Turner is harping back on the headline grabbing events from Wednesday’s House of Assembly sitting and the inactions of Central and South […]

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Free National Movement (FNM) Leader, Dr. Hubert Minnis has been named and suspended from the House of Assembly for its next two sittings. This after House Speaker, Dr. Kendall Major asked Dr. Minnis to withdraw statements from the House of Assembly to which he refused. Senior police officers made their way to Dr. Minnis, prompting […]

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Edison Key

Key Refuses To Follow FNM Colleagues

Edison Key was the only Free National Movement (FNM) Member of Parliament to not join in the Opposition’s demonstration in the House of Assembly during the debate on the Stem Cell Research and Therapy Bill and he said that is because this battle is one he does not support. “I’m not a follower,” I’ve never […]

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leon bethel

SDA: Parenting Workshops Can Reduce Crime

If there are more parenting workshops for young parents, there will be a reduction in the level of crime being experienced in the country, according to Senior Pastor at the Grant’s Town Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Peter Joseph. The church held a workshop for the first time on Saturday and according to Pastor Joseph it is […]

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kohfe Goodman

Goodman Guilty Prosecution Seeking Death Penalty

Kofhe Goodman has been found guilty of the murder of 11-year-old Marco Archer and the prosecution is seeking the death penalty. On Friday, jurors returned a unanimous guilty verdict just before 7:30 p.m. But their verdict was not as shocking as Goodman’s actions following their decision. Members of the public, reporters and Archer’s family members […]

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Lyford Cay Partnered With Education

All Bahamas Merit Scholar Named Shannon Butler, 19th Recipient

Shannon Butler is both Queen’s College and Alpha Phi Alpha’s 2013 valedictorian. He achieved the best overall performance in last year’s BGCSE examinations in grade 11 with nine A’s and one B. He has a 3.95 grade point average (GPA), is a peer tutor, a member of Junior Achievement (JA) and a volunteer at the […]

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church break-in 2

Church Ransacked By Thieves

Members of the New Covenant Baptist Church are in disbelief after the edifice was ransacked by thieves, who stole countless items, leaving behind thousands of dollars in damage Wednesday night. Pastor Trajean Jadorett said it appears the culprits gained access to the church through a window in the basement. The incident he said highlights the […]

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