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PLP Thanksgiving Service

Gov’t Cautioned To Stay The Course

Several religious leaders warmed the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Sunday to remain committed to the mountain of promises that it made to Bahamians on the campaign trail. During a two-and-a-half hour thanksgiving service held at Zion Yamacraw Baptist Church yesterday, a handful of clergymen urged the government to follow through on its promises and to […]

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Bernard Nottage _ Keith Bell 3

PLP Taking Soft Approach to Crime, Says FNM

The Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) intent to move ahead with pulling and reviewing the recently implemented package of crime bills proves the newly elected Christie administration is prepared to take a “soft approach to crime,” according to the Free National Movement (FNM). Early this week the new National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage made it […]

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FNM Senators Accept Instruments

Four newly appointed Opposition senators designate received their instruments of appointment from the Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes during a brief ceremony at Government House yesterday. Former Education Minister Desmond Bannister has been appointed leader of opposition business in the senate. He will represent the opposition in the upper chamber along with former State Minister […]

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Teen, Man Accused Of Woman’s Murder

A 17-year-old male resident of First Street, The Grove and 20-year-old Rico Rahming of Sugar Apple Street, were on Wednesday charged with murdering 19-year-old Kevonya Miller. The pair was charged before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez. According to police, the accused murdered the Florida Court resident between May 9 and May 10. Police found Miller’s body […]

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TOP PHOTO Traffic 1

Major Traffic Congestion

Due to new road closures in the Wulff Road and Soldier Road area, motorists now have to adjust to major traffic congestion during peak hours of the day.

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Parliamentary Secretaries Sworn-In

Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday completed the final appointments to the executive management team of his Cabinet with the swearing-in of three parliamentary secretaries at Government House.  Exuma and Ragged Island MP-elect Anthony Moss has been appointed the parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources. Renward Wells, MP-elect for Bamboo Town was […]

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Firearm Destruction Device Handed Over

In a bid to fire back at crime, the government yesterday accepted a set of hydraulic shears, a high- powered device aimed at destroying hundreds of firearms that have flooded the streets.  The push to share the device with The Bahamas began two years ago with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and […]

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