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The Golden Boys Return Home

The Olympic Mens 4×400 Relay Team returned home yesterday evening.

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FNM Chairman Charles Maynard Dies

The Free National Movement Chairman, Mr. Charles Maynard died early this morning in Abaco at the age of 42. “The passing of the national chairman, Charles Maynard is a tremendous loss of a rising political statesman, and public servant, not only to the Free National Movement, but also to our beloved country,” said the FNM […]

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‘Team Bahamas’ Returns Home Today’

When ‘Team Bahamas’ touches down at Lynden Pindling International Airport (LPIA) this evening, Chris Brown, Demetrius Pinder, Michael Mathieu and Ramon Miller now known as the ‘Fantastic Four,’ will receive a hero’s welcome. The star athletes will arrive at LPIA’s VIP Lounge at 6:30 p.m. Ahead of Team Bahamas’ arrival, Prime Minister Perry Christie released […]

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Teen Girl Still Missing

It has been a month since 15-year-old Jade Sands was first reported missing and she has still not returned home, police officials said yesterday. But, according to Superintendent Stephen Dean it appears as if someone knows where the Blue Hill resident is. “Over the month we have gotten various reports of sightings that she has […]

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Gambling Debate Intensifies

By: Theo Sealy & Rogan Smith Two top clergymen, a leading hotelier, a business consultant and a college professor locked horns tighter than ever last night over the controversial gambling issue. Retired Anglican Archbishop Drexel Gomez, Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) President Dr. Ranford Patterson, Kerzner International VP of Public Affairs & Retail Services Ed Fields, […]

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Deadly Bacteria Spreads – Five More Infected

Five more patients at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) have contracted the acinetobacter baumannii bacterium that killed two babies last month after officials said the germ spread to another wing in the hospital. Health Minister Dr. Perry Gomez announced in the House of Assembly Wednesday that ongoing investigations into exactly how the bacterium started have […]

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Christie: Moody’s Should Consult – Discussions Must Be Had With Governments

Prime Minister Perry Christie welcomes ratings and assessments by international agencies like Moody’s, but urges these agencies should exercise due diligence in their assessment process. Mr. Christie’s comments come after a report recently published by Moody’s questioned how the Christie administration plans to renationalise the country’s only cellular services provider; whether the move will raise […]

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2012 Sprite Freestyle Tournament 643

Western Division wins Sprite Freestyle Basketball Challenge!

It was a total team effort at Anatol Rodgers School on Friday 27th July, as the Western and Grove Division laced up their sneakers to participate in the third annual Sprite Freestyle Basketball Tournament. The Sprite Freestyle Challenge is a nonprofit initiative intended to foster relationships between the RBPF and the young men in their […]

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Child Molester Asks Court To Set Him Free

A convicted child molester has asked a Court of Appeal (COA) panel to set him free. Andre Birbal spent nearly two hours trying to convince COA judges to quash his conviction and release him from Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP). As an alternative, Birbal asked the justices to reduce his 35-year sentence if they did not […]

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Hospital Bacteria Unexplained – PMH: Babies Were Dead For Nearly Three Weeks

Nearly a month after two babies died following a bacterial outbreak at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) and officials still cannot explain how the water-bourne illness started. Addressing reporters on the Acinetobacter Baumannii outbreak yesterday, PMH Medical Chief of Staff, Dr. Geoffrey Pennerman acknowledged that each time this type of illness occurs doctors are stumped. […]

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