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Police Hunt Armed Robbery, Crash Suspect

An island-wide manhunt is on for a suspect accused of an early morning armed robbery and traffic accident in eastern New Providence. Crime scene tape cordoned off a portion of the road at the intersection at Fox Hill Road and Sea Breeze Lane as police investigated what initially appeared to a three-car collision directly in […]

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Police Probe 86th Homicide

The homicide count increased by one yesterday following a brazen daylight shooting in an Over-the-Hill community. Shortly before 4:00 p.m Tuesday, detectives scrambled to Dunmore Street off Hospital. “Upon arrival, we saw evidence that led us to believe that someone was shot. The male was taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital with chest wounds,” Superintendent […]

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New Video Conferencing System

Pictured is the new video conferencing system put in place by the Government. The system will link The Royal Bahamas Police Force, Her Majesty’s Prison, The Public Hospitals Authority, the Magistrates’ Courts, and several offices in Grand Bahama.

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New Criminal Integrated System Launched

The days of prison buses speeding through Nassau to get inmates to court may soon come to an end now that the government has introduce a criminal integrated system that will allow suspects to attend to court via video conferencing. At a news conference at the Attorney General Office on Monday Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson […]

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Book of Condolences Signed for Paul Adderley

Prime Minister Perry Christie, Dame Marguerite Pindling, and Former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham yesterday signed the book of condolences for former Attorney General Paul Adderley.

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Paul Adderley To Be Laid To Rest Today

A state funeral will be held today for former Attorney General Paul Adderley who passed away last week at the age of 84. Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes and Prime Minister Perry Christie were among those who viewed Mr. Adderley’s body as it lay in state in the foyer of the House of Assembly Thursday. […]

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3 way


Three candidates have been confirmed to run in the North Abaco bye-election scheduled for October 15 after a Free National Movement (FNM), Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and Bahamas Constitution Party (BCP) candidate made their nominations official Wednesday. When the nomination polls closed at noon Wednesday three candidates put forth their bids for the vacant North […]

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Anti-Drug Activist Blasts Efforts To Stop Drug Abuse

Failed policies by successive governments and constant pandering to the United States have resulted in a cycle of inappropriate attention being paid to Bahamians and more people becoming drug users and addicts, charged a leading anti-drug activist. Joseph Darville, co-chair of The Bahamas National Drug Council (BNDC), publicly lamented the country’s approach to combating drug […]

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Nomination Day In North Abaco- Nearly 4,400 Registered To Vote In Bye-election

Candidates in the upcoming North Abaco bye-election will make their bids official today as they complete the Nomination Day process. The election is set for October 15 Camps from both the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the Free National Movement (FNM) have descended on North Abaco for today’s nomination process, which when completed, will formalise […]

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Increase In Elderly Abuse

A top Social Services official yesterday confirmed that the number of senior citizens who are being abused has increased with many of them being abandoned, neglected and exploited. The increase has prompted officials at the Ministry of Social Services to take action. Social Services Minister Melanie Griffin on Monday said years of exposure is bringing […]

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