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Reaping a Harvest of Pain

One of the crueler sides of that thing we call ‘human-nature’ has to do with the extent to which we – as such creatures – adapt to situations and conditions once thought both abominable and incomprehensibly unfit for us. In case after dread case, we note how human beings can become numbed and often quite […]

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In the Same Boat

Poverty is on the march in this place; and this phenomenon is nothing more and nothing less than a type of social death on the installment plan where day by dreadful day more and more of our people find themselves reduced, diminished and humiliated. It is perhaps this factor – among others such – that […]

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Diabetes — Chronic and Costly!

No matter how the cookie crumbles anywhere in this world, diabetes is bad news; it maims, it kills and it undermines both national health and security. In short, diabetes is disastrous; and as we know, diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot […]

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A Morsel of Justice

One jury [so to speak] is still out on how Lloyd Allan Albury met a horrifying demise in a horrid place in Her Majesty’s Prison. Another such assembly is out and wondering why the police shot Reno Rolle, a man who allegedly did no wrong when he waited with other patrons of a fast-food joint […]

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Children’s Rights

Things always have a way of returning to reality on the morning after. In a sense, then, we are now all living on the morning after. This time around, we reference the scene that now unfolds in the aftermath of Hubert Ingraham’s most recent Waterloo moment. But no matter what this state of play, the […]

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The Ingraham Era Has Ended

Try and try again, boys; you will succeed at last. This must be the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham’s nightmare mantra. Having been defeated once, this man tried again and failed again to persuade the Bahamian people that he had what it took to best the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Chrtistie. This time he failed […]

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Human rights do matter; and so does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Clearly, then, the right to life should be considered and described as the world’s number one right thing owed every human person. This is why – and here closer to home – we pray for the soon-coming realization of our hope which […]

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Consolidating Nation’s Foundation

From one perspective, life and how it is to be lived depends in a real way on how life is perceived. When all is said and done, life is grounded in either spirituality or materiality. Some words of Pope Benedict now resonate, “… We are now seeing, in the collapse of major banks, that money […]

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More Creativity Needed

Sadly, some who now lead and very many who would lead in today’s Bahamas are seemingly loath to break with status quo thinking; thus that dread sense of stasis/paralysis at the core of current thinking concerning what is to be done in the circumstances. Instead of the generation of a bold new vision charting the […]

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As Food Prices Rise

New information coming in from the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organization which concern world food prices now show that they rose in September. This information also reveals that, these prices are close to levels reached during the 2008 food crisis. That organization also recounts that, “…The worst drought in more than 50 years in the […]

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