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FNM: Workers Continue to Suffer Under PLP

Officials of the Free National Movement expressed that the Progressive Liberal Party will enjoy one more Labour Day before they are voted out of office because Bahamian workers continue to suffer from the government’s failed promises made to trade union leaders.

In the FNM’s Labour Day address, party officials said Prime Minister Perry Christie has not fulfilled one promise made to the public sector unions.

“The PLP is not working. They must be voted out,” FNM officials said in a recent statement.

“Customs and immigration workers have been lied to and ignored. Police officers continue to work in dangerous and unsafe conditions in mold infested police stations. The concerns of teachers and educators have been ignored. Claims for overtime and hazard pay have been ignored by the PLP.”

In addition, the FNM officials said Bahamian workers continue to suffer from the PLP’s failure to fulfil its promises concerning the anti-worker economic policies.

“Under the policies of the stronger PLP, the rich and PLP cronies have gotten richer, while workers have lost jobs, unemployment is growing higher and higher, and the poor and middle classes have been stricken by a host of tax increases and so-called service fees.”

In the statement, the FNM officials indicated that the PLP is stronger, on the backs of a crippled and weak economy.

The PLP is also stronger on the backs of tax-burdened Bahamians and stronger on the backs of the growing thousands of unemployed and frustrated young Bahamians, they said.

“The PLP is stronger, but every day ordinary workers are faced with catastrophic job losses in the banking, tourism and domestic business sectors. Businesses are closing or consolidating due to over-taxation, an unresponsive bureaucracy and the inability of the PLP to stimulate more than a sickly and pathetically low level of economic growth, which barely exceeds the rate of inflation,” the statement explained.

“In this situation of chronic hopelessness and economic devastation the criminal element are growing stronger, as this poor country roils under the threat of a murder a day! Workers and ordinary Bahamians live in fear and frustration.”

The FNM officials assured that after four years with the PLP, workers can take comfort that the FNM will work on their behalf and put an end to their suffering.

“To every suffering and fearful worker and to the scores of thousands whose hopes of finding a job have been shattered by the Perry Christie PLP, 2.0, the FNM offers best wishes for a happy Labour Day Holiday,” the statement read.

“It will not be long now, before Bahamian workers will have the chance to vote for a new and innovative government, a government which will reduce the tax burden on the poor and middle class, stimulate the national economy and truly lay a foundation for the Bahamian worker’s benefit. A new Bahamas, where Bahamians will for the first time enjoy true ‘People Power,’ as we in the FNM bring in land reform, public service reform, freedom of information and mandatory consultation with the general public on all matters of concern.”

Written by Jones Bahamas

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