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World Customs Organization IT Conference and Exhibition Set For GB

The World Customs Organization IT Conference and Exhibition is set to take place in Grand Bahama, May 6 to 8 at the Grand Lucayan Resort.

Larry Bodie, superintendent of Bahamas Customs and Gurney Armstrong, chief customs officer attached to the Grand Bahama District and also members of the planning committee confirmed last Thursday that all systems are go for the conclave.

Mr. Bodie also informed that while the actual 2015 WCO conference is set to start on May 6, a pre-conference workshop for senior managers in customs administration from the region will take place May 4 to 5 at the resort.

Focusing on strategic leadership information technology, the two-day workshop will comprise a mix of briefings and presentations, case-study discussions and table top exercises to enhance the participants understanding of the key themes of the workshop.

The workshop has as its theme, “IT for an Inclusive Approach in Connecting Customs and Other Stakeholders in Inter and Intra-Regional Trade.”

According to Mr. Bodie, the three-day WCO IT conference will focus on exploring ways in which modern information and communications technology can lead to exciting possibilities for countries to connect to global and regional chains.

This conclave it expected to attract hundreds of participants from around the world, inclusive of customs authorities, representatives from border and other regulatory agencies, the IT sector, the broader business community, governmental and trade organization, development partners, lending institutions and others involved in international trade.

Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Perry Christie, and Minister for Grand Bahama Dr. Michael Darville will address the opening session of the conclave.

Charles Turner, comptroller, Customs and Excise Department, The Bahamas, along with Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, secretary general of the World Customs Organization will also address the forum.

A number of other top customs officials and others from the United States, Korea, Costa Rica, Mexico, South Africa, The Netherlands, Germany, Nigeria, Uganda, Japan , the United Nations and more will address the three-day assembly.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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