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DNA Deputy Chair Calls for Dr. Nottage’s Resignation

Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Ethric Bowe has called for some of the country’s leaders to step down because he believes it’s time for a change in the nation, starting with a change in leadership.

“No leadership is better than bad leadership,” Mr. Bowe said on Wednesday as he addressed the high climbing crime condition throughout the country’s capital.

He said crime has become out of control and those in charge cannot handle it. He believes that the tenure for some of the country’s leaders is over.

Mr. Bowe suggested that the government should consider removing Dr. Bernard Nottage as minister of national security.
“Now, although he may be my good friend, Dr. Bernard Nottage needs to resign or the prime minister needs to remove him of his duties. It’s not that he is not capable or that he is doing a good job because he is one of the best doctors around.

But, the country needs a change or a signal that something different is going to be happening with crime.”

Mr. Bowe also suggested ways to fix the increasing crime situation.

He accused the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) of not doing a thorough job to handle crime in the country.
“We have to fix this country now because if we do not do it soon, it will be beyond fixing,” he said.

“Crime is killing this country. We have to do something and we have to do it now. My good friend Dr. Nottage needs to resign and my good friend Perry Christie needs to shift from bad leadership to better leadership because no leadership is better than bad leadership.

Mr. Bowe urged the government, the church, the community and even members of the press to do a better job in helping to make The Bahamas a safer and better country.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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