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Gov’t Revises Referendum Questions

Prime Minister Perry Christie laid out the revised questions that are set to make up the upcoming Constitutional Referendum on legislating gender equality between men and women.

Mr. Christie tabled the questions while wrapping up debate on the controversial bills.

He said that the questions have not only changed but were simplified.

“Bill number one, the question – do you approve of The Bahamas Constitution Amendment Bill 2014? Under this proposed change to the constitution, a child born outside The Bahamas would become a Bahamian citizen at birth if either its mother or father is a citizen of The Bahamas by birth,” he said.

“Bill number two question – do you approve of The Bahamas Constitution Amendment number two Bill 2014? Under this proposed change to the constitution, the foreign spouse of a Bahamian citizen would be able to obtain citizenship subject to satisfying existing national security and public policy consideration and new provision guarding against marriage of convenience. Bill number three – do you approve of The Bahamas Constitution Amendment number three Bill 2014? Under this proposed changed to the constitution a Bahamian father of a child born out of wedlock would be able to pass his citizenship to that child subject to legal proof that he is the father. Bill number four -do you approve of The Bahamas Constitution Amendment number four Bill 2014? Under this proposed change to the constitution it would be unlawful to discriminate based on sex and sex would be defined as meaning male or female.”

Mr. Christie added that gender equality is much needed in the country in the wake of the opposition’s perceived flip flopping on the issue and the opposing views from members within the PLP.

The prime minister encouraged everyone to unite on issue adding that he welcomes the continued views of others in the process of achieving gender equality.

“Nothing has been passed yet, nothing has been etched in stone yet so I welcome the further insert that the opposition has indicated that they will like to make to the tweaking of the bills,” he said.

If all goes as planned a Constitutional Referendum on the proposed amendments will take place on November 6.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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