Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday completed the final appointments to the executive management team of his Cabinet with the swearing-in of three parliamentary secretaries at Government House.
Exuma and Ragged Island MP-elect Anthony Moss has been appointed the parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Resources.
Renward Wells, MP-elect for Bamboo Town was sworn in as the parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development and Cleola Hamilton, MP-elect for South Beach has been appointed parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration.
Mr. Moss was recently elected to the House of Assembly for a third consecutive term while Mr. Wells and Mrs. Hamilton are both political newcomers.
Prime Minister Christie congratulated the MPs on their new appointments and urged them to ready themselves for the challenging journey that lies ahead.
“You have been placed in positions to assist your ministers with the implementation of the work that has been assigned to you and to make your ministers work easier,” Mr. Christie said.
“I implore you to recognise that you are now facing a very serious time in our country and so many things are happening and we have to begin the process of moving the country forward right away.”
Mr. Moss was first elected to the House of Assembly back in 2002. He has served as deputy speaker of the House.
Mr. Wells, the former leader of the National Development Party (NDP), is a mechanical engineer. A former Olympic athlete, he holds a national record for track and field.
A nurse by profession, Mrs. Hamilton is known for being an outspoken advocate for the profession. She has served as the president of the Bahamas Nurses Union (BNU) where quite often she engaged in very public verbal spats with the former administration over its treatment of nurses.