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BTVI partners with Algonquin College


The Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation’s series of Global Sales and Marketing
Missions to Canada has yielded positive results as The Bahamas Technical and Vocational
Institute (BTVI) along with Algonquin College in Ottawa, Canada has signed a letter of intent
for partnership between the two organizations.
President of Algonquin College Claude Brule’ said the agreement will establish cooperation
between BTVI and Algonquin College for long term, beneficial relationships.
“The letter of intent between Algonquin College and the Bahamas Technical and Vocational
Institute, or BTVI, signals the beginning of a five-year partnership providing new international
education opportunities between our institutions to future collaborations”, he said.
“The agreement will offer expanded opportunities for our learners, faculty and employees to
collaborate with an internationally recognized applied training institution.
“Collaboration activities may include developing short term reciprocal faculty or staff
exchanges, student exchanges through the Emerging Leaders in Americas program, program
development, and developing and maintaining collaborative initiatives in applied research.
“We look forward to building our shared knowledge to further innovation and education
capabilities between our two esteemed institutions,” Mr. Brule’ said.
In November of last year BTVI began building connections with Canadian partners, particularly
with technical and vocational education and training institutes.
Interim president of BTVI Dr. Linda Davis expressed her gratitude for the agreement.
“I am grateful that the mission to Canada bore fruit in more ways than one, paving the way for
the institution to be at the virtual table today on the cusp of signing a letter of intent with
Algonquin college.
“Ladies and gentlemen this signing serves as a pivotal moment in BTVI’s development.
“It is a clear indication of Algonquin College’s confidence in BTVI, and it is also a statement by
BTVI’s board of directors and by extension, the Government of The Bahamas that we are
collectively committed to advancing technical and vocational education in The Bahamas.
“We are here today because BTVI and Algonquin College have agreed to continue our
exploration of a partnership by cementing it with signing this letter of intent.

“Further, the signing of this letter of intent symbolizes the beginning of what we expect to
blossom into collaborative initiatives and exchanges mutually beneficial for our faculty,” Dr.
Davis said.
In addition to this new partnership, Dr. Davis also announced that BTVI’s campuses on Abaco,
and Eleuthera are poised to become full instructional sites in the coming months.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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