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Wilchcombe: “We Must Listen to Women”

Journal Staff Writer

The issue of abortion has been a hot button topic in the country following a 40-year-old mother
being charged with aborting her 11-year-old daughter’s baby after the child was allegedly raped
by the mother’s 45-year-old boyfriend.
Minister of Social Services Obie Wilchcombe weighed in on whether the government is minded
to changing the abortion laws in the country.
He said it is something the government must think about instead of just reacting.
“The truth is, globally, other countries have had to take the same course of action and they’ve had
to make some decisions”, he said.
“It cannot be right if somebody is raped to have to endure the pregnancy. There has to be some
issues and we have to look at that. It’s very difficult when you consider circumstances that could
affect somebody’s life forever. And we have to think about that because you’re thinking about the
nine-month period if it lasts that long.
“But there’s a psychological impact and everything else is related. So, we have to think about it,
you know. Sometimes we make reactionary responses as opposed to understanding the depth of
the issue. And so, we have to look at it and we cannot ignore it.”
He went on to say that there are many issues that are just coming up that can only be addressed if
women are listened to and understood.
“When I became minister responsible, so many things I never heard about, never even discussed,
he told reporters.
“Now it’s in the forefront, now we’re discussing it. So, we have to find ways to, you know, get to
resolutions. And it’s about thinking about the issues. What are the issues facing women? What
are the issues that women have to deal with?
“Do you know that in the tourism industry, [it] was revealed today by Joy Jibrilu that men are
paid more, 24 percent more than women are paid in the tourism industry. There’s something not
right about that, but that’s something we never talked about, never even discussed it.
“So, we’re hearing a number of things and we’re realizing a number of things we have to deal
with. Glennys Hanna-Martin made a strong argument today about needing women and she said
something today that was quoted later in the program which was that who feels it knows it.
“I think that’s powerful.

“Because we’re men, we don’t know it, but yet we want to answer for women. I don’t think that’s
correct. I think women have to speak for women, and we should be listening to women.”
Last week, Prime Minister Philip Davis gave contradictory views when asked if the government
would consider changing the abortion law in the case of rape.
He said the laws are on the books.
“Abortion is still a crime; rape is still a crime, and carrying very hefty, hefty penalties,” the prime
minister said.
He went added that he does not know what other mischief the law does not cover.
When pressed on the matter again, he said abortion is a personal choice, adding that changing the
law so someone who is raped can get an abortion is a “medical matter” he “would have to

Written by Jones Bahamas

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