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PM: No Time for Politics Amidst Hurricane Relief

img_6037ederPrime Minister Perry Christie says he’s more than disappointed that Opposition Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis condemned the government for its hurricane relief efforts calling the attack “idiotic”.

Dr. Minnis at the time accused the Christie administration of dropping the ball having waited until after Hurricane Matthew to call for help.

“Right here in Lowe Sound, a former chief councilman and administrator said, ‘Prime Minster make sure we’re fair and make sure people regardless of their politics receive whatever you are giving the people’,” he said.

“I articulated that and that is why I am so disappointed in what I rate as one of the most idiotic things I have heard during a disaster from the leader of the opposition, an alternative prime minister.”

Mr. Christie added when it comes to disaster, there’s no room for division and politics.

“That’s not right for this country and it is wrong for him to have done that that’s why I call it idiotic,” he said.

After speaking with a number of Grand Bahama and North Andros residents, the prime minister says he is confident Bahamians will come out of all this stronger than ever.

“Right in Georgia you can see the amount of people who died as a result of flooding and in Haiti hundreds and in The Bahamas arguably one,” Mr. Christie said.

“We are blessed the storm came when it came and that people were able to cope with it the way they did and the stories of heroism and great sacrifice should be lifted up as a learning and teachable moment for the people of this country.”

Hurricane Matthew is estimated to cost three times the amount spent in the aftermath of Hurricane Joaquin last year, and that figure was an estimated $100 million.


Written by Jones Bahamas

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