Archive | May, 2014

Police Search Settled Amicably

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Darron Cash and his attorney Carl Bethel are satisfied with the outcome of their negotiations in the Supreme Court with representatives from the Attorney General’s Office regarding the search and seizure of the chairman’s personal property by police officers. According to Mr. Bethel both parties were able to settle on […]

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Turning Tragedy To Triumph

Two years after a young man’s near death experience, his father has started a foundation meant to help save more lives and give hope to loved ones during those very frightening and uncertain times. Demont Mitchell, 25, was in a car accident on October 7, 2012. He suffered extensive injuries to his brain and was […]

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PM: Gov’t To Restructure Financial Services Model

Prime Minister Perry Christie said although The Bahamas has enjoyed more than eight decades of a thriving financial services sector, it is no time for the country to become complacent and announced that his government is in the process of restructuring the current model. While speaking at the opening ceremony of the Society of Trust […]

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BOB Launches Mobile Credit Card Machines, Boost to Taxis, Straw Vendors, Small Businesses

Despite tough scrutiny from the Opposition over its ability to implement the much touted National Health Insurance (NHI) plan, Labour and National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson yesterday assured that the government is moving ahead with establishing the universal health scheme. However, Mr. Gibson who has repeatedly been quizzed by the press about how much the […]

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China Medical Team Turns Over $570K Equipment 101 Cataract Surgeries Performed

To hear that as a 50-year-old, one has the vision of a 90-year-man would more than likely be disheartening for anyone. But this made Dexter Neymour an ideal candidate for a Bright Journey initiative that restored the sight of more than 100 Bahamians plagued with cataract. Mr. Neymour said his eyesight began deteriorating years ago […]

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Gibson: Gov’t Will Meet NHI 2016 Deadline

Despite tough scrutiny from the Opposition over its ability to implement the much touted National Health Insurance (NHI) plan, Labour and National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson yesterday assured that the government is moving ahead with establishing the universal health scheme. However, Mr. Gibson who has repeatedly been quizzed by the press about how much the […]

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Hotel Union Could Dissolve

There could be devastating consequences for members of The Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union (BHCAWU) if the Court of Appeal rules that the union is not a legally registered body, an executive council member of the union told The Bahama Journal yesterday. The BHCAWU is awaiting a decision from the court that will […]

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Labour Strike Still Looms

A massive labour strike is on the horizon as Trade Union Congress (TUC) Officials on Tuesday announced that all efforts to consult the government have been exhausted, therefore a the shutdown of the country could happen soon. TUC Director of Communications Fred Munnings said that a meeting will be held this week with all the […]

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Man Charged With New Year’s Murder

Five months after allegedly committing the crime a 25-year-old man was on Tuesday arraigned in the Magistrates Court for the New Year’s Day murder of Jason Clarke. Daran Neely of Avacado Street appeared in Court Number 11 to answer to one murder charge, two attempted murder charges and one charge of possession of a firearm […]

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Morton Salt Workers Call for Gov’t Intervention

The Bahamas Industrial Manufacturers and Allied Workers Union (BIMAWU) is calling on the government intervene and on Tuesday urged the management of Morton Salt Company to negotiate the signing of an industrial agreement that has been outstanding for five years. According to the president of the BIMAWU Jennifer Brown, workers are disrespected and continue to […]

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