Archive | September, 2013

Bannister Defends Minnis

Despite the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) claim that support for and confidence in Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis are “waning by the day” FNM Senator Desmond Bannister says his leader will continue to get his support. In fact, he gave Dr. Minnis top marks for his performance as Opposition leader. “I support […]

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Bannister Takes Swing At The FNM

Outgoing Free National Movement (FNM) Senator Desmond Bannister on Wednesday took a swing at his own party, criticising members who leaked his resignation to the media. He said those individuals who are working in their own self interests are ultimately hurting the FNM. Mr. Bannister, who is scheduled to step down on September 30 from […]

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Drug Seizures Up From Last Year

Despite the renewed focused attention on serious crimes like murder in the country, the Drug Enforcement Unit (DEU) has had a lot of success with drug seizures in the country for the first nine months of 2013. DEU Head Superintendent Samuel Butler told the Bahama Journal in an exclusive interview that he attributes the unit’s […]

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Police Relentless In Crime Fight

The government has taken much back lash in recent weeks after National Security Minister Dr. Bernard Nottage announced new plans to fight crime. Among the new initiatives the government has increased police officers’ work days from eight to 12 hour shifts and redeployed Defence Force officers to assist the police on the frontlines, but despite […]

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Proposal For Stem Cell Facility

Prime Minister Perry Christie revealed yesterday that a developer has submitted a formal proposal to the government to build a stem cell research centre in New Providence. The developer anticipates – through a joint venture – to build a mini hospital which will include stem cell therapy and research. While speaking with reporters yesterday, the […]

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PSA Says Officers Well-Being Must Be A Top Priority

Police Staff Association (PSA) Executive Chairman Dwight Smith said yesterday that police officers are not complaining about the new 12-hour shift the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) has implemented, however he noted that they are concerned about how the new shifts are being structured. Inspector Smith said since the new shift system was announced he […]

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Residents Experience Water Shortage —After BEC Outage

Some residents in New Providence were without water yesterday evening after the Water and Sewage Corporation experienced two recent production failures at its Blue Hill Road plant. According to a press statement, the failures began on Tuesday night around 9:00 p.m. after a BEC power failure that resulted in the plant being down. “These two […]

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Teachers Protest Causes Early Dismissal

Classes are expected to resume at the Stephen Dillet and Uriah McPhee Primary Schools today, a day after teachers complained of unhealthy working conditions forcing the schools to dismiss classes. The teachers at both schools claim that their work environments have deteriorated over the years and have now become unbearable. There are complaints of malfunctioning […]

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Slain Banker’s Murder Trial Adjourned

It will be another few days before testimony in the murder trial of the two men accused of killing a banker continues. The case was adjourned yesterday due to legal arguments. Pinewood Gardens residents, Cordero Bethel and Janaldo Farrington are accused of the February 17, 2012 shooting death of banker, Stephen Sherman. The men are […]

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Senate VP Wants Upper Chamber Expanded

Over the years the Senate has been called outdated, irrelevant and nothing more than a five-year resting place for defeated politicians. Now, a Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) senator says he’d like to see the upper chamber expanded to include members from civil society so that it is not so “politically charged.” Senate Vice President Joseph […]

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