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PLPs Pay Tribute to Dr. Nottage

Days before he will officially be laid to rest, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) held a special memorial at its headquarters on Tuesday night for former Cabinet minister Dr. Bernard Nottage.

Among those who viewed the body of the late Dr. Nottage were former Prime Minister Perry Christie and his wife Bernadette Christie, PLP Leader Philip Davis and his wife Ann Marie Davis, PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts and many other party supporters, family and friends.

Mr. Christie recounted numerous moments he had with Dr. Nottage leading up to his passing.

“As I sat next to you (Dr. Nottage) in Parliament, there were times I knew you were in labour, but I know if you wanted me to know you would tell me,” he said.

“You know that as long as I was there I was for you.”

Mr. Roberts also reminisced on his colleague’s life.

“I wish to salute and pay tribute to the life and work of a great Bahamians patriot, visionary, medical doctor, athlete, nation builder whose humble beginnings mirror that of the founder of the modern Bahamas Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. They were both products of East Street in the heart of over-the-hill,” he said.

“BJ, as he was affectionately known, had a vision for his Bahamas and would often articulate planks of his broad vision for the future growth and development of this country he loved so dearly and worked tirelessly to develop.”

Former Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller also spoke and asked that a building be renamed after Dr. Nottage before taking his seat.

Meantime, a public memorial service was held for the late minister last night at the Kendal G.L. Isaacs Gymnasium.

Hundreds filled the stadium to share their fondest memories of Dr. Nottage and for some it was their last time to pay their respects.

Dr. Nottage passed away at the age of 71 in Florida on the 28th of last month.


An official state funeral will be held for Dr. Nottage tomorrow at St. Agnes Anglican Church.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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