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Pinwheel Symbolizes Child Abuse Protection

As the world celebrates National Child Abuse Prevention month, The National Child Protection Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Services and Community Development in The Bahamas began the observance of the month with an official launch of Pinwheels for Prevention.

The launch, which took place at the Montagu round-a-bout yesterday morning is one of several erections of a Pinwheel that will be placed throughout New Providence and some Family Islands as a reminder of Child Abuse Protection Month.

The blue and white pinwheel, according to co-chairperson, of the National Child Protection Council Dr. Novia Carter will serve as a symbol towards positive development and how children should be treated.

“The symbol is now the sign of our progress towards looking at positive development and positive start for all of our children. As we look at the pinwheel, I want you to look beyond this pinwheel and instead consider what this pinwheel represents to the children of our nation,” she said.

“This pinwheel is a symbol of our commitment to better lives. This pinwheel is our commitment to ensuring that every child has the opportunity and the chance for a better and brighter future.”

Encouraging the audience to be protectors of children, Dr. Carter noted that the pinwheel should be a constant reminder that a child’s future is everyone’s concern.

“As the pinwheel turns I want you to consider the following factors. According to the conventions of the rights of a child, we are all entrusted with these children’s future, it is on us to make sure that every child in our country has a healthy and bright start. It is incumbent upon us all to take our steps to make sure that we help parents become better parents. But more so than anything else it is our hope that we will ensure that every child lives a violence free happy Bahamas.

“So as the pinwheel turns, remember it is your commitment to a better Bahamas,” Dr. Carter said.

Expressing the same sentiments, Minister of Social Services and Community Development, Melanie Griffin said that they symbol of the pinwheel speaks to a carefree and loving life that children should have.

“What we have here as we launch this pinwheel, is it speaks to protecting our children, and what we have as this year’s theme is “Building Community, Building Hope.”

“Our children are the hope of our nation. So, as we build the community where our children resides, where they attend school, where they attend church, where they must go and play and interact with each other and all the persons in the community, as we build them we build hope,” Mrs. Griffin said.

Also speaking to a handful of students at the launch from the Uriah McPhee School, Mrs. Griffin admonished the students that while adults should protect them, there are also things that they themselves must do to ensure they are safe.

“I’m glad the students are here because while your parents and your teachers are all committed to protecting you there are some things that you yourselves need to do in order to protect yourselves,” Mrs. Griffin said.

The new symbol for child abuse is the pinwheel which is symbolic of a carefree life that all children should enjoy.

On hand at the launch were members of the National Child Protection Council, Department of Social Services, Urban Renewal Social Workers and Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect Program (SCAN).


Written by Jones Bahamas

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