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Pastor Ed Allen Dies


The Christian community in the Bahamas is  mourning the  death of the Founding Pastopr of Abundant L:ife Church, Pastor Ed Allen.

The  89-year old  religious leader over the years built a  reputation  as an outstanding  Evangelist and Pastor of the Bretheren denomination in the Bahamas.

A statement from the Progressive Liberal Party said  “the party always appreciated his strong biblical teachings and principles. He gave sound advice and counsel. He was a good example of going through the storms of life with dignity and grace. He was a trusted confidante and family relation of former PLP Leader Perry Christie.

“The Bahamas is better off for his living amongst us. Now he has gone on to a well deserved rest.”

The leader of the Party Philip Davis  said, “on behalf of all supporters of the Progressive cause, our Parliamentary caucus and officers and members, I extend condolences to his beloved wife Velma and son Michael and the wider family of the church on his passing.”

Written by Jones Bahamas

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