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The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position the shipyard to feature the largest floating dock ship repair facility in the Western Hemisphere by 2026, significantly boosting the island's economy.


The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position […]

Mario Bannister


Police Prosecutors charged Mario Bannister, former ManagingDirector of Clifton Heritage National Park this week for acting as an accessory to themurder of 36-year-old Phillip Adderley, by providing a vehicle to the accusedkillers.Twenty-eight year old Christian Napier and 26-year-old Donte Riley werecharged with killing Adderley whose body was found on August 15th, 2024,stabbed to death in […]

PMH Welcomes Independence Babies

12 July 2019

Two babies get to share their birthday with the nation as the Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday awarded the first boy and girl born on Independence Day.  The babies were welcomed by the Cookie Collection, a non-profit organization founded by the hospital’s board of directors’ member Sharon Johnson.  Mrs. Johnson said she’s been doing this for […]

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Independence Day Stabbing

12 July 2019

Police are investigating a stabbing incident that occurred on July 10, which left a man dead and another man detained in hospital.  According to police, shortly after 9 p.m., two men were in the parking lot of a business establishment on East Street South and Cox Way, when they got into an altercation, which escalated, […]

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FNM Fires Back at Davis’ ShotSpotter Criticisms

12 July 2019

The Free National Movement (FNM) called Opposition Leader Philip Davis a ‘hypocrite’ following his comments, made last week, on the ShotSpotter Technology.  Mr. Davis also labelled the technology as a bad investment by the government.   He added that ShotSpotters did nothing to prevent those 14 individuals from being shot in Montel Heights earlier this […]

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Nygard’s Golden Jubilee Review – Going Against The Grain

12 July 2019

Nygard’s Golden Jubilee Review It’s not an everyday occurrence to discover an individual who has pulled himself up by his bootstraps to achieve phenomenal success with a business that’s still breaking barriers, still achieving firsts, and still innovating fifty years later. What does it take? How did he achieve it all? And how can we […]

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The Golden Jubilee Review- A Stylish Renegade Or Brilliant?

11 July 2019

The Golden Jubilee Review It’s not an everyday occurrence to discover an individual who has pulled himself up by his bootstraps to achieve phenomenal success with a business that’s still breaking barriers, still achieving firsts, and still innovating fifty years later. What does it take? How did he achieve it all? And how can we […]

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Bishop Calls for Unity

11 July 2019

The nation’s problems can only be solved through unity, according to Bahamas Christian Council President Bishop Delton Fernander, who called for The Bahamas to unite, as he believes Bahamians have developed a “vicious cycle of destroying each other.” “See unity is the only way we can stand Bahamas.  We got to stop letting these people […]

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21 Receive National Honours Award

11 July 2019

Governor General CA Smith, as chancellor of the Societies of Honour established under the National Honours Act, 2016, in accordance with the advice of the prime minister, and the National Honours Advisory Committee, announced yesterday the recipients of the 2019 National Honours Award. Companions received the Order of The Bahamas, which is conferred upon any […]

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Man Charged with Indecent Assault of Teen Girl

11 July 2019

An indecent assault charge lands a 30-year old male in jail, following his arraignment in the Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. Standford Stubbs, of Sandilands Village, appeared before Magistrate Cara Turnquest-Deveaux and was charged with one count of indecent assault, contrary to section 17(1)(A) of the Sexual Offenders Act.  It is alleged that Stubbs on Wednesday […]

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Man Charged with Montell Heights Shooting

11 July 2019

The alleged shooter behind the mass shooting in Montell Heights, on June 30, was on Tuesday charged with 11 counts of firearm related charges.  The shooting which took place on Ethel Street, Montell Heights early Sunday morning, left 17 people injured.  According to a police report, 14 persons were shot – 10 of the victims […]

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PM Promises $1 Million Arts Fund

11 July 2019

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis announced plans for the establishment of a $1 million arts and cultural fund to ensure that Bahamian culture is passed on to future generations. The prime minister made the announcement during his televised national independence address, as The Bahamas celebrates 46 years as an independent country. “To ensure that our […]

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