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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Education


30 August 2024

SHENIA ROBERTSJOURNAL STAFF WRITER Education Minister Glenys Hanna-Martin responded to the issue of schooluniforms this week while Bahamas Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilsonpointed that there is no school uniform policy. The issue came to the fore afterDoris Johnson Senior High School recently released their uniform guidelineswhich caused uproar amongst parents.The uniform guidelines prohibit the […]

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30 August 2024

Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer The newly appointed principal of the Bertram A Newton Primary Schoolin North Andros was captured in a video this past week where it is beingalleged that she refused to leave her car and enter the school compound.Staff members are alleging that the principal assigned to carry out theadministrative duties at the […]

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30 August 2024

Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Theresa Saunders, a resident of Harbour Island is seeking justice for hergranddaughter after she claims she was beaten by a police officer onschool campus. Saunders says the incident took place back in January ofthis year when two officers were visiting the Harbour Island All AgeSchool to deal with another matter.She says […]

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30 August 2024

Shenia RobertsJournal Staff WriterDuring a press conference following the recent opening of a training session forAgri producers facilitated by the United States Department of Agriculture, Ministerof Agriculture and Marine Science Jomo Campbell gave the media an update onthe progress made since the marijuanna bill was passed.The Marijuana Bill tabled this year 2024 came with revisions […]

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30 August 2024

TYNIA BROWNJOURNAL STAFF WRITER  Last week a few members of the Ministry of Health & Wellness team Kennita Saunders-Kempand Christina Johnson, went to Inagua where they conducted their Mental Health andPsychosocial Support Initiative.Inagua has embarked on a significant mental health initiative with the launch of the supportnetwork. This project aims to address mental health concerns on […]

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RBDF Personnel Complete Radio Training Course

30 August 2024

Journal Staff WriterIn alignment with Commander of the Royal Bahamas Defence ForceCommodore Raymond King’s strategic vision to enhance the organization’ssecurity posture, ten Marines from the Royal Bahamas Defence Force(RBDF) completed a two-week radio training course on August 23, 2024, atHMBS Coral Harbour.The RBDF said it is committed to exploring advanced technologies byimplementing professional training that […]

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Triumph for Bahamas

01 December 2023

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The efforts of Prime Minister Philip Davis and other Caribbean leaders have paid off as countriesattending COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates agreed to a new Loss and Damage Fund.This has been an issue that Mr. Davis have been championing over for the past two years sincetaking office.The operationalization […]

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PM Launches Bahamas Sustainable Investment Program at COP28

01 December 2023

As a country that’s vulnerable to the harsh impacts of climate change, The Bahamas needs newand creative climate finance solutions. To help with this, The Bahamas Sustainable InvestmentProgram was launched on the first day of COP28 in Dubai.During the launch, Prime Minister Philip Davis said through this initiative, the government isgoing to survive an era […]

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01 December 2023

Happiness can be defined as a feeling of contentment emanating from a satisfied and fulfilled life.  It is an intrinsic yet intangible human emotion. The common assumption is that it is not quantifiable, nor easily adapted as a measure of national progress and development.   In The Bahamas where the living is relatively easy for the […]

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New Immigration and Detention Regulations

01 December 2023

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Bahamas main detention facility for illegal migrants, the Carmichael Road Detention Centre,has from time-to-time come into question both locally and internationally regarding alleged ill-treatment and/or abuse of detainees. In the House of Assembly on Wednesday, Minister ofImmigration Alfred Sears, during a communication, laid on the table of the […]

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