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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]

Dept of Immigration Announces New Data System

22 August 2016

With the work permits data being revealed Director of Immigration William Pratt announced that the department has signed an 18.5 million dollar contract with the government in order to acquire a new integrated immigration management system and how it will greatly benefit Bahamians throughout the world. “The new electronic data system will readily provide the […]

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Minnis: “FNM 24 Years and Growing Stronger”

22 August 2016

As the Free National Movement (FNM) on Friday commemorated its first win to government 24 years ago, on August 19, 1992, the party’s leader Dr. Hubert Minnis said the party is now seeking the country’s confidence again, as he said the FNM is promising a better Bahamas. Deliverance, transformation and real change is what the […]

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Grant announces he will not run in next election

22 August 2016

The longest serving Free National Movement (FNM) Member of Parliament for Central Grand Bahama Neko C. Grant has officially announced that he will not run in the 2017 General Election. Amid speculation last week by Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts that he would not run in the upcoming election, Mr. Grant confirmed those reports […]

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Disabled Man Cries For Help

22 August 2016

As a third time victim of theft, Wentworth Sears, a disabled Bahamian man, said he is tired of being victimized because of his condition, and called on the government to take swifter action in regards to the rights of the disabled. Mr. Sears, known to many as Perry, in a recent interview with The Bahama […]

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Bastian Calls for the gov’t to intervene

22 August 2016

Veteran trade unionist Dr. Thomas Bastian has called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to put together a committee which will examine the actions of Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort in the past few weeks. Mr. Bastian while a guest on Love 97’s “Jones and Co” added that the hearing needs to be publicized and Mr. Christie […]

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9,208 Work Permits Issued

22 August 2016

According to the latest statistics by the Department of Immigration 2015 saw a total of 9,208 work permits being issued in The Bahamas. The statistics were revealed during a press conference at the Department of Statistics on Friday afternoon. Director of Immigration William Pratt suggested that the 2015 immigration statistics are very similar to previous […]

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Smith Supports Christie

18 August 2016

Deputy house speaker and Bahamas Agricultural Industrial Corporation (BAIC) Chairman Dion Smith says Prime Minister Perry Christie has taken the country out of treacherous waters which makes him a shoo-in come the 2017 general elections. During a press conference held at the BAIC headquarters, Mr. Smith told reporters that he fully supports Mr. Christie as […]

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Sands: NHI A Medical Apartheid

18 August 2016

Opposition Senator and noted physician Dr. Duane Sands has once again lashed out the government over their proposed National Insurance Plan. During his contribution in the Senate yesterday, Dr. Sands said he wants to give the amendment to the National Health Insurance bill glowing praise, but he just can’t because he feels it doesn’t do […]

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“Sandals Workers Abused”, Says Butler-Turner

18 August 2016

Firing shots at the government for the fate of hundreds of Sandals Resort employees who were made redundant on Monday, Long Island Member of Parliament Loretta Butler-Turner said the latest development at the resort makes it even clearer that “the government has little respect or regard for Bahamian workers”. She alluded to the beleaguered state […]

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RBDF Makes Drug Bust At Sea

18 August 2016

A Bahamian male has been arrested after the Royal Bahamas Defence Force Fast patrol found him with an undetermined amount of drugs Wednesday afternoon. Officials said the incident occurred around noon. “Defense Force patrol craft P-128 intercepted and conducted a routine search of a 15-ft Boston Whaler off the west coast of New Providence today,” […]

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