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BAHAMAS INVESTMENT FORUM IN WASHINGTON, DC --  Photographed above are some the participants of the first Bahamas Business and Investment Forum in Washington, DC organized by The Embassy of The Bahamas. From left to right are Senator Barry Griffin; Central Bank Governor John Rolle; Senator Quinton Lightbourn; Senator Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Barbara Feinstein, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; The  Bahamas Ambassador to the United States His Excellency Wendall Jones; The Hon. I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments; Ambassador Chet Neymour; Consul General Washington Patrick Adderley; Consul General New York Leroy Major; and Michael Fountain, Honorary Consul Chicago.


The Deputy Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, I. Chester Cooper has announced that the government will execute heads of agreements this month for more than $1billion of new investments in major touristic developments. It is understood that these projects are slated for Paradise Island and Cable Beach. Mr. Cooper made the announcement […]



Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and AviationChester Cooper visited the island of Eleuthera on Monday to sign a $55 million dollar loanagreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to facilitate updates to North Eleuthera’s airportterminal.The updates to North Eleuthera International Airport have been long […]

Murders Spark Revival of ‘Peace on the Streets’

29 September 2017

Pastor, community activist and former gang member Carlos Reid said he will bring back the ‘Peace on the Streets’ initiative in light of the recent murders in the country.   Speaking moments after visiting the home and family of the eight-year-old boy who was fatality shot on Monday, Reid said the tragedy of the boy’s […]

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‘Govt Backtracks on Promises,’ Says MP

29 September 2017

Englerston Member of Parliament Glenys Hanna-Martin said yesterday that promises made by the Minnis administration in the Speech from the Throne and the reality of what has been fulfilled is like “night and day.”   During her contribution in the House of Assembly yesterday, she deemed it glaring inconsistencies with the promises and a colossal […]

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Heartbroken Grandmother Remembers ‘EJ’

27 September 2017

Distraught grandmother Marsha Murphy remembers her eight-year-old grandson as a well-mannered child with a beautiful spirit.   Eight-year-old Eugene Woodside, affectionately called ‘EJ’ by his family, was killed when a stray bullet infiltrated the dark brown wooden house behind his grandmother’s house in the Chippingham area on Monday evening. Eugene was in his house completing […]

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Govt Probes All Agencies

27 September 2017

The Government of The Bahamas has made the decision to conduct a thorough investigation of all agencies and departments with a view to stamp out corruption and malfeasance.   During yesterday’s weekly press briefing, Press Secretary Anthony Newbold said all government agencies are under investigation and review, as he responded to questions raised by members […]

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Stephen Dillet Opens on Monday

27 September 2017

After being delayed for almost a month, students and staff of Stephen Dillet Primary will finally be returning to their school.   Acting Minister of Education Dion Foulkes confirmed that the school will open Monday, October 2.   Foulkes said teachers are to report to school on Friday to make their preparations.   The school […]

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Kyle Farrington - Top Photo

Two Men Charged with Murder

27 September 2017

Two young men spent their first night at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services last night after being arraigned in the Magistrate’s Court on separate murder charges yesterday. Appearing before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes, 25-year-old Kyle Farrington was charged with intentionally causing the death of Fredric Ramsey. It is alleged that Farrington, while being […]

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Minister Outlines Key Ways to Improve Financial Services Sector

27 September 2017

Minister of Financial Services Brent Symonette said more has to be done to improve the country’s second industry.   While delivering the keynote address at the Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) meeting held September 20, 2017 at the British Colonial Hilton, Minister Symonette outlined some of the government’s objectives.   “Over the past few months […]

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‘No’ to GBRHA’s Lead on ‘Spy Bill’

27 September 2017

The government has declined the Grand Bahama Human Rights Authority’s (GBHRA) suggestion for the organization to take the lead on the proposed Interception of Communications Bill.   In yesterday’s weekly press briefing, Press Secretary Anthony Newbold said the government will take the lead as far as consultation in regards to the proposed legislation.   “As […]

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ALIV Launches Schools Plus Program – -St. Cecilia’s Receive Virtual Reality Goggles

27 September 2017

ALIV mobile network officially launched a Schools Plus Program yesterday with St. Cecilia’s Catholic Primary School presenting the school with 40 virtual reality goggles (VRG). Making the presentation to the Catholic Board of Education at St. Cecilia’s School, the ALIV team expressed its desire to help educate Bahamian youth through technology. Chief ALIV Business Developer […]

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Dominican Deal Reactions Surprises PM

27 September 2017

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis is surprised over the reactions of Bahamians to the government’s proposal to accept Dominican students in The Bahamas following Hurricane Maria, according to Press Secretary Anthony Newbold.   Mr. Newbold told the media that the prime minister was surprised over the reactions of Bahamians yesterday, during his weekly press briefing, […]

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