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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]


87 Migrants Apprehended

27 December 2017

The Royal Bahamas Defence Force was successful in apprehending a Haitian sailing sloop containing 87 persons attempting to gain entry into the southern Bahamas over the weekend. 72 males, 12 females and three children were arrested. Reports are that on Saturday,  the HMBS Leon Smith, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Stephen Rolle, was on patrol in […]

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Christmas Party Ends In Homicide

27 December 2017

A Christmas party in the capital ending in bloodshed as a man was killed early Tuesday morning. Police are now  searching for the person responsible. According to reports, shortly before 1:00am, a man was attending a party at Commonwealth Boulevard, Elizabeth Estate  when he was approached by a man armed with a firearm who shot […]

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Crisis Centre Says Marital rape is real

27 December 2017

The Director of The Crisis Centre, Doctor Sandra Dean-Patterson  says “every individual in the Bahamas, men women and children have the right to live a life free from violence and be protected under the law.” She says, “ in today’s Bahamas, married women living with their husbands do experience this protection when that husband beats […]

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Minister Ferreira Bemoans “ A Deficit of Spirit”

21 December 2017

Environment and Housing Minister Romauld S. Ferreira says the country has a national deficit of spirit “as we are not connected to the environment.” The Minister made the statement as he joined the Atlantis Blue Project Foundation and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) at the Crush Theater, Atlantis, Paradise Island, to view a December 8 screening […]

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21 December 2017

Five lucky contestants walked away with the top prizes at the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority’s (URCA) Inaugural ICT (Information and Communications Technology) Awards Ceremony held last Friday. The flagship competition was open to students in three categories: Primary (4th to 6th Grade students), Secondary (7th to 12th Grade students) and Young Adult (individuals age […]

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21 December 2017

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21 December 2017

The inability of the crown’s key witness in the Frank Smith extortion trial to testify forced an adjournment yesterday. A medical certificate confirmed that Barbara Hanna was unfit to testify in the high profile case for another six weeks. Smith’s lead attorney, Queen’s Counsel, Damian Gomez said there’ll be a point when they will ask […]

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21 December 2017

With just ten days until the immigration ultimatum is in affect, officers have already repatriated thousands of immigrants. Immigration officers have been busy for the year and the work will continue straight up to December 31st. Five to seven-thousand persons have been repatriated thus far for the year and according to commanding officer in charge […]

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21 December 2017

Aliv has locked down a strategic partnership with Bahamian owned company Mobile Assist. This announcement came yesterday during a press conference held at the mobile carrier’s headquarters. Chief Aliv Officer Damian Blackburn told the media that Aliv prides itself on staying ahead of the mobile technology curve as it relates to innovations. “Aliv’s strategy in […]

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Feed The 5,000 Benefit Many

20 December 2017

Some  350 persons  were the recipients yesterday in the  Bahamas Feeding Network and AML Foods Limited 2nd Annual Feed 5,000 campaign in New Providence and Grand Bahama. The food was distributed in the parking lot of  Solomon’s at Yamacraw. Hunger is said to be  a silent struggle for many in The Bahamas. It’s estimated that […]

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