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PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis has signed a desalination contract between the Waterand Sewerage Corporation and Consolidated Water for two desalination plants.While at his West Bay Street office he said it marks the beginning of an“extraordinary” new chapter for Cat Island.According to the Prime Minister the Member of Parliament for […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff WriterResidents of mainland Eleuthera and surrounding islands like Harbour Islandand Spanish Wells have been vocal and action-oriented in recent timesbemoaning the lack of reliable infrastructure like electricity, potable water andinternet services.The government has heard their cries and announced several plans to addressthe issues and according to Prime Minister Philip Davis […]


09 February 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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BUT President Met By Police at School

09 February 2018

Bahamas Union of Teachers President Belinda Wilson on Wednesday was met by Royal Bahamas Police Force officers on the campus of Garvin Tynes Primary School for what she thought was a general meeting with the School’s principal, Carolyn Mitchell and its teachers. Confirmed by the District Superintendent Janice Moss and Garvin Tynes’ principal, the purpose […]

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PLP’s Boycott Senate

09 February 2018

In a defiant move against the suspension of the Opposition in the House of Assembly Wednesday, Progressive Liberal Party Senators did not show up in the Upper Chamber’s proceedings yesterday morning. Absent from the Senate yesterday were Leader of Opposition Business, Fred Mitchell, Dr. Michael Darville, Clay Sweeting and Jobeth Coleby-Davis. In a press statement […]

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Parents Irate over TB Case

09 February 2018

Police officers again were called onto the Garvin Tynes Primary School campus after irate parents swarmed the school yesterday demanding to take their children home. They claim there is a confirmed case of tuberculosis involving a second grade student. Parents say the grade two class, as well as some teachers and support staff were tested, […]

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09 February 2018

Three males and one female yesterday were remanded to the Bahamas Department of Corrections in connection with fraud and conspiracy which allegedly occurred some two years ago. Thirty-eight year old Shukuanya Thompson of Stapleton Gardens was charged with 21 counts of possession false documents, uttering a false document and fraud by false pretense. It is […]

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Jean Rony Back In Court

09 February 2018

The Immigration case in the Supreme Court of Jean Rony Jean Charles which was scheduled to be heard yesterday will now be heard this morning before Justice Gregory Hilton. Attorney for Charles, Queen’s Counsel Fred Smith, said that the matter was adjourned for the team in the Attorney General’s office to come to some type […]

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Success? “Buying Your Mom Anything in the World”

07 February 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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Minnis To Meet With Haitian Gov’t

07 February 2018

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis is set to meet with the Haitian Government at the end of this month to discuss the long vexing problem of immigration. This was revealed yesterday by Press Secretary Anthony Newbold during the government’s weekly press briefing. He added that immigration is the top priority on the Prime Minister’s agenda […]

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Plan Executed On Shanty Towns

07 February 2018

A 30-member Inter-Ministry Committee charged with clamping down on shantytowns has gotten to work executing a three-page action plan. It was put together to ensure that the regularization of shanty communities is in compliance with international standards. Chairman of the committee, Senator Dion Foulkes said that given a mandate by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, […]

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Mitchell Wants Immigration Reform

07 February 2018

Former Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell says a lot of reform must take place within the immigration ministry. The PLP senator speaking on the Love 97 Radio show “On Point,” said having 20 people in a department to sort through thousands of applications is unrealistic. He hopes that the new border management system solves that problem. […]

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