The multi- billion dollar Baha Mar resort slated to open on April 21st, 2017, is expected to hire some 1,500 Bahamians while many more will continue to be hired during each of the hotel’s phases, according to Senior Vice President of Government and External Affairs Robert Sands.
For those persons who were recruited previously and were hired, Mr. Sands says those individuals have first preference however they must still go through the online application process just like everyone else.
“Everyone will go on that website and if you’ve applied before you can update your resume to that particular website. You will then have the opportunity to identify your areas of interest and then it will give the human resources an opportunity to contact you for an interview or you will be advised by email,” he told the Bahama Journal.
“Priority will be given to those people who have submitted before and were hired and some of those persons will be called back in this first round of hiring.
“The ones that will be hired initially are proposed positions at the golf course, casino, the casino hotel and the convention center,” said Mr. Sands.
“Those are the entities that would be opened in the first phase.”
Mr. Sands says the recruitment process will continue as other stages of the multi-billion dollar mega resort continue to open.
Back in December of last year, Prime Minister Perry Christie said that a total of 5,700 direct jobs are expected to be created through the Baha Mar resort.
He at the same time announced that Chow Tai Food Enterprises (CTFE) will invest $200 million in pre-opening festivities, development of family amenities, entertainment and offshore island facilities and demolition and re-development of the former Crystal Palace Hotel.