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Young Entrepreneur Challenges Graduates

Chief  Executive Officer of Jetlink Adventurers, Lincoln Deal yesterday  told graduates of the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute that despite the odds and disappointments, they can achieve what they want.

As a young entrepreneur, who has first hand experience of defying the odd and attaining his dreams, Mr. Deal gave the graduates timely advice. 

“As I look into your faces and I see sheer determination, an unquenchable thirst for success and an unrelenting spirit of self discipline. I am reminded of the traits that define my entrepreneurial journey. 

“It  brings such joy to my heart  to see current and future entrepreneurs. So many young people determined to define their own lives by using their own talents and unique gifts. 

“Graduates you cannot have the promise without the process. Often times you become anxious in the middle of the process. We want the degree,  but not the courses in between. We want the skills,  but not the training involved. 

“We want to be our own boss,  but not with the sacrifice needed to make it happen, and without the process, you will not learn how to appreciate the promise,” Mr. Deal said.

Having been rejected on several occasions, before obtaining his business license, Mr. Deal told the graduates that he may not have been where he is,  if he was not persistent. 

“Without  all those courses,  you could not appreciate the success of graduation. Without  those exams and practicals, you wouldn’t be the great technician you are today. It’s all a part of it, so build character,” Mr. Deal said.  

“God isn’t just preparing the blessing for you, but he is preparing you for the blessings,” he added. 

Mr. Deal  encouraged the graduates and told them that all things are possible.  

“No matter how strong your opposition is, if God be for you, who can be against you. 

“I want to admonish you to first and foremost, be bold and take risks. Life is about risking it all for a dream that no one else can see but you. 

“The hardest part about chasing your dreams graduate, is in being bold. In being bold, it’s trying to understand if God is giving you signs to stop or if he’s testing your faith to keep going. 

“Don’t let the no’s of life hold you back. As you be bold and take risks, there may be failure, but failure is not final,” Mr. Deal said.

BTVI graduated 300 students in their 2019 Class, 50 more than it did in 2018. 

Written by Jones Bahamas

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