The current President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers Belinda Wilson has been deemed to be not in good standing by the Candidates Committee of The Bahamas Union of Teachers. Now the only person nominated for the position of President is Joan Knowles-Turnquest.
The Union will hold election of new officers on June 13th, 2019.
John Musgrove, Secretary General, said, “In October 2018, Mrs. Wilson’s membership was suspended for paying herself monies that the Courts ruled that she was not entitled to. The Executive Committee did an investigation and discovered that she did receive some $90,000 plus, and informed her that she had to repay the funds. She reportedly made a commitment to sacrifice her gratuity on contract, which ends in June, towards the balance of the monies that she had allegedly taken from the Union. She has an opportunity, however, to appeal to the Electoral Commission by April 13thto appeal the ruling.
Persons elected hold offices for three years and are on leave from teaching during this time and are paid by the Bahamas Union of Teachers.
All persons who were nominated were endorsed by the candidates committee except three persons, Mrs. Wilson, for President, Gloria Knowles for the position of Treasurer and John Musgrove for the Secretary General.
Although these teachers were not ratified or nominated, they have a right to apply to the Electoral Committee and to the annual general meeting.
Mr. Musgrove said that he himself has appealed to both the Electoral Committee and to the Annual General Meeting.