Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip Davis yesterday said the Government is on track to miss its Revenue Target by at least $40 million dollars.
“They were wrong to undo many of the revenue building initiatives that the PLP Government left in place. This elusive deficit target is being pursued at the expense of the social deficit. The record is clear the PLP significantly reduced the budget deficit, but not at the expense of the social deficit.
“ Since they are not growing the economy, simple math dictates that in order to meet this elusive deficit target, the Government must reduce overall expenditure by this same amount. As a result, Customs and Immigration Officers, Police Reserves, Teachers, and Nurses are not being paid overtime and their allowances. In addition, small and medium business are not being paid on a timely basis for providing goods and services to the Government and its agencies. Many of these businesses are hanging on for dear life as a result of monies owed from the Government,” said Mr. Davis.
He said, “ we are in serious problems, as has been confirmed by the Central Bank in its report. More pointedly how can a deficit be going down when the Government is still approximately $1 billion dollars away from its annual revenue target with only three months left in the fiscal year? And Customs Revenue Collection is behind last year’s revenue.”
In the face of this massive short fall, how will the Government make this up? Will there be new taxes?” the Opposition leader asked.
Mr. Davis also addressed the shooting death of Defence Force Officer Petty Officer Philip Perpall while on duty at the Government House by his alleged assailant, a fellow Defence Force Officer. The incident prompted concerns about safety in the country.
“The emotional and psychological fitness of individuals who hold sensitive positions in the uniformed branches of the Government, are critical of the effectiveness of these branches of the Government, hence, the question arises as to what protocols are in place to ensure the mental, emotional health and stability of individuals who are in these highly sensitive positions,” he said.
“You would recall our calling out of the National Security Minister Marvin Dames for his emotional and seemingly violent outbust to what appeared to be an innocent comment by a Parliamentary collegue within the precinct of the House of Assembly. I can call then for the evaluation of Mr. Dames’ emotional and pyscological fitness to hold high office. Additionally, just watching him on the television program, the other night, “On The Record”, only heightened my deep concern about the Minister’s psychological and emotional stability. Mr. Dames ought not to be holding that position in any event,” said Mr. Davis.