To ensure the successful implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI), cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Duane Sands is calling for the government to privatize the healthcare system.
Dr. Sands, who was a guest on Love 97’s Jones and Co. talk show yesterday, suggested that local unions should buy shares in the health care system.
He pointed out that since the implementation of value-added tax many Bahamians are suffering to make ends meet.
Therefore, he expressed that universal health care is a necessity and there should be another way to fund NHI rather than draining the pockets of citizens who are already struggling.
“Why not sell the health care system to the people of The Bahamas?” he asked.
“Let’s say we need $500 million of infrastructural upgrades. We say to the Bahamas Corporate Public Offers Union (BCPOU), the Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) and all of the various unions ‘would you like to buy a piece of the health care system?’
Now Bahamians become owners of the health care system and the government can give a 50 year lease with guaranteed returns.
Then, the people own it and if they maintain it to a certain standard we will regulate it.”
Dr. Sands said once this is done Bahamians would be able to fund NHI, make any structural upgrades, upgrade equipment and the government would no longer be involved as it then becomes a private sector.
Dr. Sands explained the benefits of his suggestion and assured that those Bahamians who are truly in need will be taken care of.
“For those individuals who are truly in need we could budget up to $70 million a year,” he said.
“And if someone has 3,000 people in their union, they have interest now to maximize their return to make sure everyone is living well and healthy and are even exercising. This is how we now empower Bahamians. It will not only be a contribution to the health care system but it will make a positive return to the finances of all Bahamians who have ownership.”