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Politicians pay respects to retired police commissioner

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis is photographed as he pays respects to the late Paul Faquharson, Retired Commissioner of Police.


Journal Staff Writer

As the body of retired Commissioner of Police, the late Paul Farquharson lie in the foyer of the building named after him on Wednesday, the Paul Farquharson Conference Centre at the Royal Bahamas Police Force Headquarters, politicians and dignitaries gathered to pay their respects.

Prime Minster Philip Davis signed the book of condolences and spoke of the tremendous and trailblazing work Mr. Farquharson made during his tenure as head of the police force.

“He was the commissioner of police when we introduced a program of Urban Renewal in the inner city to assist in alleviating some of the challenges that our urban centers have, and it won an international acclaim and award for the manner in which it was executed during that period, he was the consummate police officer,” the prime minister said.

“He was always involved in trying to prevent crime and if he wasn’t able to prevent it, detecting it and ensuring that justice is done for all. He also served as High Commissioner to England, UK, and with some of the other neighbouring countries. He acquitted himself well in that role as well, ensuring that our position was known to the world and ensuring that we kept the relationships that we have with the international partners.”

Also paying his respects was Immigration and Labour Minister Keith Bell.

“When I joined the Royal Bahamas Police Force in 1985, one of the persons that I met was Paul Farquharson. At the time, he was in charge of the Internal Security Division, and he, along with other great men who came through this organization, Arthur Yearwood, Basil Dean, Douglas Hanna, a number of them, they all mentored us and made us what we are today,” Mr. Bell said.

“As for Paul Farquharson, he distinguished himself as one of the best commissioners this country has ever seen.”

An emotional former Commissioner of Police Ellison Greenslade described Mr. Farquharson as kind man, one who was committed to building others.

“I met him when I was a young constable, a young man trying to find my way in The Bahamas, just having joined the Royal Bahamas Police Force. He served then as a sergeant at the Central Police Station. Took me on his wings, as they say, and the rest is history. He rose to give an amazing account of himself as commissioner of police for this country, and of course, guided me to follow in his footsteps and obviously, I, at some point in my career, was able to do that. The very same. Mr. Farquharson was a generous man, a decent man, an honest man, and a man for the time. Meaning he took over after we were just coming out of a very difficult period in this country. Coming off years of drug trafficking and Mr. Bonneville had the stewardship of the force at that time,” Mr Greenslade said.

“The reins were passed to Mr. Parkinson and Mr. Faxon brought unity, brought us all together as a family. He was approachable. One could walk up to him on any given day, ask any question and would feel quite comfortable in his presence.”

Also paying respects to Mr. Farquharson were Governor General Sir Cornelius Smith, Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper, former prime ministers and many other politicians and dignitaries.

Mr. Farquharson died on July 24 at age of 74.  He is survived by his wife Sharon and their four children.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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